God Can and Will

“Now unto Him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, accordingly to the power that worketh in us.” Ephesians 3:20.  
God is an awesome God. He is omnipotent- all-powerful. He can do anything He wants and does in His timing which is so unique. His ways are not like ours but look for a minute on his side. God knew each person before they were born and already had their life planned. Everything they are supposed to be, who their family will be, who their friends and acquaintances will be. We’re starting to get complicated here because not only does He know the plans that are planned for me, and for everyone, they have to meld together like an intricately woven web. We are each a part of His large plan. So everything has to work when He wants. How do you think you could meet the person you were supposed to marry if they didn’t pop into your life at the exact moment you were there.
It sounds kind of like we’re just puppets in His play. No this is the wisest deity ever. He loves us all the same without partiality. He knows the personality in our souls and what would truly make us happy beyond our wildest Imaginations. He wants to shower us with blessings. He has given us His plan for a perfect life in His 

Holy Word-The Bible. If we are following that plan and seeking after Him then it makes His job easier. But, we like to do things our way and in our own timing .

“I can run my own life,” When will we realize we don’t have the map He does . Our ideas sound great but His are better.
We can get off track and cause more harm than good. Sin , unwise choices can get us temporarily off the main road and on an access road. We can cause our own turmoil but God is always pursuing us to get back on the main road. Full of brand new blessings.
We also will have trials in our lives that may make us angry with God such as a death of a loved one. We need to draw closer to God and lean on the peace he gives. My stoke and almost dying was my biggest trial but I leaned on God. I sought after Him to learn about His ways. I was not real strong in the Lord at the time. Now God and I are so close and yes the best thing that ever happened to me was the stroke.
First thing you have to realize is that nobody loves you better than Him. He wants to give you more blessings than anybody else ever will. Several years back while working on my second book I had an encounter with God, I was typing as fast as I could and it felt like He was dictating to me and I was reading it for the first time with Him as He dictated. I was being so blessed by what I was typing. I took a break and sitting there I heard “I love you as much as my son David. You know I love everyone the same.” This hit my heart like a ton if bricks and I started crying. David was far from perfect but God calls him a man after His heart. Are you after God’s heart ? I want to be.
Even if I have to give up my desires and my timing I am going to trust Him. He has proved to me that He does know better than me what will make me happy. I’m giving Him the keys and He is taking me on the ride of my life. I can’t imagine what’s next.

Something Great is Going to Happen

We all go through trying times of stress, things that weigh us down and take away our joy. As christians we know that God promised us trials of many kinds. Look at all Jesus went through. Its not that God is mad or upset with us. If we are seeking all we can of our savior he is purifying us as in the fire so we come out as gold, righteous. 
It really comes down to our outlook. How are we handling the fire. First thing to do when down is pray for strength. God says don’t worry but pray about everything instead. He cares for us and wants us to have a great life. He is going to give us His very best, He has promised. Trust Him, He has never failed yet. Tell yourself positive things.
I know my Jesus loves me, Gods got my back, good or bad He works all for good, his plans are good for me . I talk to myself throughout the day. I’m my best cheerleader. But I’m also listening for Him. He knows I will do anything he asks me. One Saturday morning in my nursing home we were waiting for breakfast and God told me to get everyone water, so l did. They loved it.
Back to trials- I had a massive brain stem bleed and almost died. They even asked me if I chose to live or not. They did not give much hope. I could move nothing. And I could not speak or even open my mouth. But I lived and came through the fire. I’m happier now than ever.
Four years ago I started having leg spasms continually after a couple years I found some relief but they came back harder than ever. You saw my health update after surgery they are gone, Amen.
 “Rejoice in the Lord always, again I will say rejoice.” Phillipians 4:4. ASV
We are to rejoice in the Lord always even in trials . My cramps were so bad that at times it was ridiculous and I would start laughing. I got tired of crying. I would tease God and say boy you must be up to something awesome. Knowing he always comes through. The worse the pain the greater the reward.
Something good always comes after the trials so 

just press on graduation is coming with new blessings. Remember God never fails.   

Are you handicapped?

I had a massive stroke and am confined to a wheelchair because I can no longer walk. After being mute for seven years I am slowly getting my voice back but for some I appear to be talking in a foreign language. People can see my disability right up front. My mind though is very sharp nothing is missing there. I have the same mind that I always had throughout my life. I have done many things in my life and have a lot to offer.
I have written and published books that have been well received by my peers as quite helpful. There are many things I am unable to do but, l keep pushing forward and love helping people. Some people are physically able to do anything but their mind is very limited. On the outside you can not tell they would not have difficulty with anything. They appear to be just one in the crowd of millions of normal people. Everyone has a handicap of one sort or other.
Many people have learned to overcome all the handicaps in their life and live a very happy and productive life. Others gripped by fear or depression can not cope and thereby lead a very unproductive and difficult life. Never doing much of anything. It’s all in the mind. I know a man born with no arms or legs who learned to overcome all the challenges and go on to have a very happy successful life. A family-wife, kids, work, travel, and everything life has to offer. I have also met people that go through life grumbling, complaining, and never accomplishing much of anything. Just living day to day.
It’s always just someone’s fault not theirs that they never accomplish much. Now life is what you make it. If you are determined to be a success, have dreams, don’t give up when knocked down but keep persevering. Like many famous men and women that refused to give up. You can make something of your life. Look at Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, and Helen Keller. They overcame great odds to become something and I bet they wouldn’t change a thing. Life does not always give us roses but sometimes we get thorns. Bloom where you are planted.
Do not let struggles get you down. Keep reaching ahead for what you want with passion. There are so many cases of people that have tragic accidents in their life that handicap them but they don’t give up. They keep their eye on the goal and don’t give up till they get there. Nothing is impossible if you keep that in your mind and believe it.
The surfer that lost an arm to a great white shark, but came back to world class surfing with one arm and a great big heart. A stunt cyclist that survived a terrible accident totally severing their spinal cord, who one year later was doing stunts on their motorcycle just like before. Athletes that loose legs to accidents continuing to ski, swim, and run on prosthetics. Just like before.
Its all attitude you can make a big difference if you get a little altitude in your attitude. Reach for the stars.

Update on my health

After surgery in May the spasms are completely gone, no more pain. I went for my first refill of baclafin and were amazed to find out I was doing so well. Most people need the dose turned up more to get rid of pain. But I am doing awesome with the minimum dose. I will be able to go six months between refills. The relief is so sweet because the pain was so intense. Gods ways are best. The several years that I had constant spasms whenever I was moved, the countless tears I cried waiting for a cure were all worth it because victory is so sweet in hindsight.

Young Life camp at Lost Canyon

Every summer without fail I get away for a week in the pines with friends. This is a camp for special needs folks of all ages and disabilities. Run by our good friends the D’Amico’s. Our church takes several people each year.

Every summer without fail I get away for a week in the pines with friends. This is a camp by Special Touch for special needs held at Young Life Camp at Lost Canyon for folks of all ages and disabilities. It is run by my good friends the D’Amico’s. Our church takes several people each year. It is directed by my teachers Cherie and Jerry Tinsman. Everyone in every area of the camp loves it and keeps coming back year after year.
This is my Bible study group.
Me just before my exciting turn on the zip line. Video of my ride follows.  It was an awesome few seconds.  The year before our theme was be strong and courageous so I decided to do something I feared and said I would never try.  I was being courageous and have awesome memories I will never regret.



The Do You Have Faith?

And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” Hebrews 11:6. NIV
“He replied: if you have faith as small as a mustard seed , you can say to this mulberry tree, be uprooted and planted in the sea, and it will obey you.” Luke 17:6. NIV
I recently heard a wonderful talk on faith. Faith is not having all the answers. It’s just knowing who does and being ok with that. That is faith. Everyone has faith in one thing or another. Those who believe in a master craftsman who designed this well thought out planet and everything that goes along with it, or even the atheist who believes in the Big Bang theory or evolution has to have faith.
Just to walk outside and not worry about falling off the earth takes faith. Gravity is not something we can see or feel but we know from early on in life that when we stand up we will not float away. Or when daddy throws us up in the air we will come safely back into his arms.
We don’t believe everything we hear but some things just feel right. You have to decide what to believe. Like which came first the chicken or the egg. Scientists might say the egg. You can’t have a chicken without an egg. How can a lonely chick survive in this big ole world all by itself. Who will show it how to eat, keep it from being eaten, and how to fly. So many questions.
The theory that an all knowing master designer, who knew exactly what he was doing, who created everything starts to make sense. I don’t know about you but I have more faith for that. Just happening or coming from an ape is harder for me to stomach.
I like to watch the animal shows. What makes them do the things they do? They are made so perfectly to adapt to their surroundings. How they instinctively know how to survive. Not only survive but even thrive and relate to those around them. Man is also so intricately made. Doctors have learned so much about the human body, but they still don’t have all the answers. Someone has got to know how.
I would rather believe in a supreme being who has all the answers. Someone who loves me and always does what is best for me. It frees me up. Less to worry about. A master creator that has it all under control.
When you have enough faith fear will leave you. Because when you realize that the one who truly loves you has worked everything in your life out ahead of time for your very best. Every day of your life whether good or bad is beautifully orchestrated to work out for your best. Sometimes when I have really messed up or am having a rough day I ask God, well how are you going to fix this one. But he always does so completely.
I look back over my life at how richly I have been blessed and every year it gives me more faith.
“But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, whose hope is in his unfailing love,” Psalms 33:18. NIV