No Greater Love

“But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord’s love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children’s children- with those who keep his covenant and remember to obey his precepts.” Psalms 103:17&18 NIV

What a wonderful promise. Let’s break this down so we can understand better just what he is saying. He has always shown love to his children. But he says those who fear him. Does that make sense? We don’t actually fear him. We need to greatly respect and revere him and all that he is. He is to be looked up to for his might and awesome power. When we humbly fear him he will look out for us and our children. As a parent he understands how we want the very best for our children. We want them to be healthy, wise, and happy with the life God has given them. But read on and you will see an if. We have to do our part. This does not come by doing nothing. If we do something he will in turn do something. He has asked us to keep his covenant and obey his precepts. This is not much to expect from us for all he does for us. There are so many things he does for us just because he loves us. We need to love him in the same way. It is not hard and he offers to help us so no excuses. Let’s say if you write me a story I will pay you $20. Well that sounds great but what will you write about? You get no help it’s all up to you. That might not be so easy after all. But God always offers us help. He has said come to me and ask for wisdom. He will give it to everyone. If you just ask it’s yours. Then you need to take him up on his offer and ask. It’s so easy if you just seek him first. Along with his love he offers so much. Good will come to you. Bad health problems will stay away from you. You will be the head and not the tail. You will be strong. You will be wise. You will find favor among men. Your prayers will be answered. No negative things will come against you. Not emotionally, not mentally, not physically or spiritually. No negative thoughts will come against you. Past hurts and problems will cease. You are surrounded by miracles. You will have power you never knew before. I don’t know about you but this sounds too good to be true, but it’s not. Talk to him, worship him, hang out with like-minded people, and read his words. That gives you wisdom.

Don’t you want to be loved so lavishly?

The Spirit Brings Power

The Holy Spirit is the most understood part of the trinity but by the spirit we as followers of Christ receive the most power. Not just in our spirit but in every area of our lives. Everything that God wants for us is possible and the Holy Spirit helps. Let me explain. When Jesus was here on earth he was perfect. His life was to be admired and emulated. He explained to everyone that he had come to do the will of his father first and foremost. Whatever the Lord had for him he would do it. He spent many hours in prayer with his father for strength and wisdom. He was God made human and gave us a awesome example to follow. If he was perfect and we are just lost sinners don’t we need to do the same? After he was resurrected from the grave and before he ascended into heaven to his rightful place on the throne to reign forever, he told his selected few, the disciples, to wait for the power to come, which was the Holy Spirit. Waiting on the Lord is an important part of our power. After they had been locked into a room, out of fear, and had been praising, singing and praying the spirit came in power. The spirit came upon then in power and the began speaking in tongues as the spirit gave them utterance. When were born again into this family of God his spirit came to live with each of us forever. We have been adopted by God. Chosen. We are no longer alone in this hard, lonely, and corrupt world. We have an advocate that is with us to help us in every area of our lives. This power has been in me so much lately. I am overwhelmed by all he is doing in my life. The first area is prayer, this is so important for my relationship with God and strength. The more you pray the more effective you become. The more you pray for others , the more you get blessed when you see those prayers being answered. I may pray for something for months, but the greater that answer is when it does come. Time spent in prayer talking to God is never wasted time. When you are quiet and listening he can and will share so many great things with you. He gives me great things to write about, what to do in certain situations, and what to say to people. Just that morning he told me to listen to praise music and it helps so much. Lately it is so necessary with all our problems. Now I am filled with his power and am unstoppable. I don’t know how people who reject him and his power get through life in this difficult world. But it can’t be good. I’m so thankful for the power he has given me.

Do you want to know this same power?

“Not by might nor by power, but by my spirit, says the Lord. Zechariah 4:6 NIV

My Chosen People

“Do not be afraid, Jacob my servant; for I am with you, declares the Lord. Though I completely destroy all the nations among which I scatter you, I will not completely destroy you. I will discipline you but only in due measure; I will not let you go completely unpunished. Jeremiah 46:28 NIV

God’s protection is always with us wherever we go. If you have been called by God and seek to follow the Lord, he is always with you. He will never leave you. Israel was God’s chosen people and they were known as a stubborn and obstinate people. They knew God and exactly what God wanted them to do. They still preferred to do things their way. The neglected God and sought god’s that they could see and touch. They were not really God’s though. We can also be the same way but we don’t actually make golden images, that we bow down to. We can however look to other things for our joy and satisfaction. Such as our children, our pets, our brand new car, our job, money and things that can take our attention off of God. Taking our time and attention away from him. Maybe you run to these things for the help you should seek God for. When you are in need he wants you to run to him, and cast all your cares on him for he cares for you. He is to be number one. When we sin he makes it known to you. You should come to God in complete repentance. When we sin it creates a wall between us. The longer we let it go, the larger that wall gets. God can not tolerate sin and at some point, even though we think we got away with it, sin will be punished. God let his chosen people get farther and farther away, but he then sent other countries to imprison them in bondage. Even in bondage he was looking out for them. He would punish for a time, but they were still his people. He loved them. He then would bring them home again and bless them. Although all may be in turmoil around us God is still with us. Do not grow tired of doing what is right either, because he blesses us also. It may seem like he’s not listening or watching us, oh but he is. He knows the true heart of his people and will bring about good as well as well deserved discipline.

Is there a wall between you and God?

When You Need Prayer

“…you do not have because you do not ask God. When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.” James 4:2-3 NIV

Whenever you need something come before God. Even though he knows our needs before we ask does not mean that we do not need to ask. The Lord loves to answer our prayers when we ask. If it is important to you it is important to God. Don’t think you are bothering God, or that it is too petty to take before God. Everything you tend to worry about, or get anxious about is important to give to God. It is important to be specific about what you need. Tell God what’s wrong but you don’t need to tell him how to fix it. He may not do things exactly how you see them as being done. He knows us because he designed us. He knows exactly what is best for us. Just because he does not answer immediately just the way you think he should does not mean he’s not listening. He will always answer. In his time, in his way, and always what is best for the person involved. If it’s not for my best, I don’t want it. I trust him. I don’t always understand why someone is not healed, or dies when I had been praying for them. Like when my grandson died just before his fourth birthday. I had prayed for him to be healed every day, but he died. Sure it would have been great if he had been healed. But was that the best thing for him? Or was that the best thing for me? Sure I miss him and my daughter misses him but so many things tell me he is better off. He is in heaven in a perfect body with No pain forever. All his Tay-Sachs friends are with him and they’re all perfect . His grandfather, who always wanted grandkids but died before any were born , and his great grandpa are with him. He’s with Jesus. There is something I have learned about prayer. I always ask God if I can be a part of what he is doing in the world. I want to make a positive impact on the world. He showed me I can do that by praying. Praying puts me in miracle territory. When ever you pray for needs you get to be apart of the miracle when those needs are met. In my prayer life I have seen so many prayers answered in such unique and special ways. Just recently a friend and minister from camp was on his death bed with covid19. On a ventilator and unconcious. Drs we’re giving up. But two weeks later he’s up and walking with a walker. This has brought boldness to my prayers. When I see great answers I get excited and pray for more. It is a privilege to come before God and see him answer.

Do you know someone who needs prayer today?