Be Light

“And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.” Genesis 1:3 NIV

This one short phrase says so much. In the very beginning All was dark and there was nothing. When God said this He was well aware of our need for him. In the beginning he walked in the garden with the man and woman, sharing all he had with them. It was never about us, but everything He can do for us. He made a perfect garden, far better than any man could create. The animals he created are so beautiful and so unique, but every one of them has a purpose in this world. They are made just for the environment they live in. Whether it is warm or cold. Flat or rocky, wet or dry. I do not know how you can look at some of these wonders and not think about their creator. Jesus is the light of the world and God is light, in him there is no darkness. Without him there would be nothing. Contrary to many so called wise men, who say, “ the earth just happened in all its unique perfection and purpose.” That is so far from anything that has ever happened before and so hard to prove. We all know man is not perfect but guessing at life is hard to believe. The light of the world spoke and things happened. Amazing and wonderful things happened. Their ability for greatness and wisdom are so evident. Everything was taken into consideration. How would the plants be watered? What would we eat? In the very beginning the world was perfect. Man didn’t need clothes because the climate was moderate. Everyone, including animals ate plants and there was no death. Everything they could ever want or need was included. God has called us to be his light to the world. We are anxiously awaiting Jesus,s great return. But he is waiting for his church to stand up and be this light and be victorious. He has called us to be salt, the flavor and purifier this world needs. So many people have become complacent, thinking that the world will just get worse and it’s too late. But Jesus said continue to tell the world about him until he comes again in his glory. Tomorrow you just might change someone’s way of thinking by the love you share and they will be saved. If we just give up, who knows how many people could be saved. It can be something very simple that finally gets through to them, so continue to speak hope and love. So many people don’t know that they are loved and are important. We should never stop being light because this is a dark time. Even some who call themselves Christians just do not know the hope set before us.

What can you do to be light?


“I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his masters business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything I have learned from my father I have made known to you.” John 15:15 NIV

“…and again, The Lord knows the thoughts of the wise are futile. 1 Corinthians 3:20 NIV

It is so sad that many so called wise men and women can be so lost in their self centered thinking that they would not even consider something so much bigger and better than themselves exists. Something that could actually benefit them. Well I know no friend who will ever mean more to me than Jesus. His words are not only true, but I have never seen any fail. Something in the back of my mind plays his words over and over in my mind knowing I can never find a mistake. He can predict things that will happen a hundred years from now in the future with precise accuracy. Things that are even humanly impossible. He can say this and that will happen even if they make no sense and they somehow come to pass. He loves to make some events so impossible that we as humans can see that unless someone so completely not human steps in they could never happen yet they do. Why can we not see? God is still in control over them. That’s the irony that some just can’t get. They see themselves as important and wise but they are just clanging cymbals. And some may even have their eyes opened but most will die in their own sin. They will face the Lord after it is too late and bow before him just to spend eternity in torment. We are the ones who could say something that could change their thinking. If they only opened their eyes and realized that we only share because we really care. There is nothing self serving in sharing the good news of Jesus. Those that do it really do care. We may be a true friend by trying to share but even we are not perfect. It is easy to throw up your hands and say, “Oh well, I tried!” You just don’t deserve it anyway. They do deserve it but they just can’t see beyond themselves. They are the big picture and there is no room for anything else. I do understand. I have been so deceived in my thinking that I truly saw myself as being right even though it was warped thinking. It happens and pride is the root. In hindsight it is so easy to see but at the time, blindness happens. The more sin happens the more it takes hold and the enemy can begin to pull the wool over your eyes . It can start slowly but can continue growing as you feed it. More sin, less sight. I would say that someone that walks close to the Lord and does amazing things with God’s help. They could never walk away from him. Well anyone can lose their faith. I’ve seen it happen. Jesus will never leave you or forsake you, but you can leave him. He is a perfect gentleman never staying where he is not wanted. Just look at the state of the world. He says, “If you love me, keep my commandments.” If we continue to walk as closely as we can and do everything we can to keep that connection open I know he will too. But sin unchecked can creep in slowly. It can start with simple loneliness. Seeking acceptance and love in the wrong place and with the wrong people. A little sin here or there and we are right where we never wanted to be.

Are you thinking too wise in your own eyes?


“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.“ Hebrews 13:8 NIV

Aren’t you glad we serve a consistent King? He loves us every day and he always cares. His mercies are new every morning. He promises to take care of our needs today. He tells us not to worry about tomorrow because he’s got that taken care of too. He is so good. His biggest concern is that we love. Love him and love others. To let people know he loves them no matter where they are at in their lives. When Jesus was alive on earth he was definitely one to be admired and liked. He never met anyone that he did not care about. It did not matter if they were male or female., rich or poor, black or white, Jew or Gentile. He even knew prostitutes, murderers, and thieves, but he treated everyone with love and respect. He may have put the proud and arrogant in their place but he did it out of love knowing where their lives were heading to death. He only did those things he saw his father doing so we know by seeing him we got a glimpse of God. God and Jesus both care the same. They’ve had a plan in motion from the very beginning to bring us together. There is nothing as good as family spending time together. They are always with us in this world, because this world can be a scary place. But they have made a way for us to be together forever in a perfect place where there will be no more pain. It will be perfect. We will be a family and all know each other. Everyone will be accepted and loved. Murder, hate,and wickedness will be gone. Jesus gave up his life just for us, it wasn’t easy but he saw the end from the beginning and knew it was all worth it. We are not perfect, that is not why he called us. He wanted us to be like our father and they help us to be. On our own we are just filthy rags but with his help we are jewels. He helps us be his hands and feet. Touching lives each day of people who don’t know him.

Do you know this great King?


“This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me. In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, this cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.” 1 Corinthians 11:24-25 NIV

Communion is a very serious matter. Not to be taken lightly. Back when Moses helped to free the Israelites from the oppression in Egypt he went through so much to see God’s power. Ten times they we’re almost freed but Pharaoh hardened his heart and God showed his power. Finally he struck down the first born throughout Egypt. The Israelites were to put blood on their door posts so that the angel of the Lord would pass over their homes while destroying the first born in all homes. Passover was celebrated regularly afterwards and what they had come through was remembered. Jesus is the ultimate Passover lamb. A pure and spotless lamb who went to his death so we could be free. When we were dying in our sins and not very lovely he loved us and died in our place. Every time we take communion we need to remember what one innocent man did just so we could be saved from sin and death. Are we doing all we can to say thank you for this selfless gift? Are we doing all we can to let others know of this gift? To be a Christian is such an amazing gift, we are saying I want to be like Christ. Each day we should look in the mirror and see that we are becoming more like Jesus. So many think that they just need to say the sinners prayer, and their insurance policy is set in place. They no longer need to do anything. That may get you thru the gates but abundance of life will not be theirs. You will always struggle to get by, and to be blessed coming and going takes a sacrifice of our own. Doing what he has asked and living life his way will open so many more doors to abundance and fulfillment. His ways are good because he is good. He only wants what is best for us, but he won’t make us do anything. It doesn’t matter how good it is. We have to want it bad enough to do what God asks of us.

Is communion just a snack to you?