Help Comes From The Lord

“I lift up my eyes to the mountains – where does my help come from ? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.” Psalms 121:1-2 NIV

The Lord is so faithful. On our own we can do nothing, we are just useless sinners. All good comes from the Lord and all bad comes from our enemy the devil. Everyone is created by God in the womb. Our looks, our personalities, our abilities, and our desires. He knows us so very well. He also loves each and every one of us. He promises to help us through our journey on this earth. To make it joyful, happy, fulfilling and useful. He gives us just what we need to know to do everything that he has called us to do. We were separated from this good and loving father at birth by death and sin but he is always drawing us back to himself. There is a whole in each and everyone of us that we will try to fill, it’s a God sized whole that only God can fill. When we find him he brings so much help to satisfy our lives. We are each called to be somebody special. Those that reject him will never know that wonderful peace, contentment, strength and joy that he can bring. The only way to get it is to know the godhead, all three. They each bring so much to our lives. I spend so much time studying scripture and how it relates to our lives. Do you know how much you can learn from just one scripture? Every scripture is important and says so much. I have read the same scriptures over so many times but I always seem to see something new. I was just reading in Exodus about the tabernacle and it was a very beautiful place. But the Lord in his great wisdom wanted it just so for good reasons. He gave special knowledge to certain people to build it perfectly. In just how it would come together. It was also very functional in how it easily came apart to be carried on their journeys in the wilderness. God thinks of every detail. He even chose certain individuals to carry certain parts so nothing was left behind. And no one was left out. It commanded awe and respect when you were inside. Did you know that now our bodies our that temple ? We no longer need to go to the temple to have access to God. We have continual access. We have a direct line. God has a perfect job all planned for us . He also gives us the knowledge we will need to do that job well. He has a perfect place for us in society and in ministry as well. He gives me inspired words of great help to others.

Do you know why you have been called and to what?

He Cares

“Cast your anxiety on him for he cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7 NIV

This weekend I read a comment on Facebook that bothered me but I just did not know how to respond. I did think about it a lot though. Someone said, “I know God doesn’t exist, if he does I know he doesn’t care.” Well personally for me I know that is not true. But how sad for those who don’t know him. But for someone journeying through this life, making mistakes, and not having someone to help or encourage them, it must feel hopeless. As Christians we can read his word and feel so encouraged. But I believe God is always pursuing the lost. His was just a cry for help. He probably really did want someone to prove him wrong. Otherwise there is no hope to pull you up when you are down. Bad things happen to everyone and Satan doesn’t have favorites. When he’s seeking to destroy he doesn’t want anyone to have hope. That is why he tries so hard to get us isolated from other believers. Why we miss church can be for many reasons, busy times, work, sickness, and even fear can keep us away. What’s important is that when we are on our own we have a bullseye on our backs. Even Christians can be overcome by tough circumstances. To feel that all is against you and that nothing is going right is common. I heard someone say yesterday that they just can’t get over something someone did to them and its eating them up inside. Bad thoughts and doubts come back to haunt you when you don’t forgive. We know what we should be doing by reading our bibles. If we seek his will for us and keep his commandments he will take care of us. God loves to help us and he truly cares. But we need to do our part first. I was born into a Christian family and my grandfather was a Baptist minister so I was in church from the get go. I have never not known that Jesus loved me. As a child we read a children’s bible story book each night after dinner. Good principles and training on how to apply them in my life were common. What if I didn’t know God? I guess it would be scary. There are blessings for those who serve God and curses for those who enemies of God. There are generational curses that can be passed down by relatives. Sowing good brings good back and sowing evil brings evil back. But how do you explain that to someone who doesn’t know God? I guess the Bible is a good place to start. What if you were separated at birth from God by sin and death, and not knowing the father that really loves you. If he was not in your life then how would you know he loves you? If you were taken from your family at birth how would you ever know that they really loved you, how would you feel. Lost! We as Christians need to see non-Christians as a missing family member. We need to do all that we can to let them know that God loves them. If I could find him, I would, but I can’t. I pray that someone does. You really need to read how much God really does love us and how much he is always doing for us. We just need to turn to him. His story is so amazing and you can’t help but see his love for man in all he does and says. He is mighty and powerful and I wouldn’t want to be his enemy. I have seen what he has done to evil doers. He has done so much for me and those in my life. And I’m so glad for my heritage and the generations of loving, God-fearing people in my family. If you don’t know him you really should get to know him and find out all he will do for you. We are all messed up people but he called us. He is in the process of making us all what he wants us to be. So he helps us become after he calls us. There is hope for us all no matter how messed up we are.

Can you give up your concerns to someone who cares?

Walk in The Light

“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12 NIV

This morning in my quiet time this verse just jumped off the page. Life can be hard and scary at times. I’ve had times when I just felt confused. Was I going the right way? Couldn’t I just have a clue? Before I had my stroke I stopped trying so hard I just wanted to satisfy myself. I stopped caring about doing the right thing. It was my time. I had gotten away from the Lord and Satan had me convinced that I wasn’t wrong. I deserved it. It was a very selfish time in my life and I am not proud of it, but I was so deceived. I now know how easily that can happen. Not spending time with the Lord and in questionable pursuits had hardened my heart and I was not seeing clearly. I really feel my stroke was what saved me. God grabbed my attention and said, “What are you doing?” Well after a massive stroke I was flat on my back, unable to speak, move, or even open my mouth. I had plenty of time to think. That was such a dark time, but now I can see again. It is so important to stay plugged into God so the power does not go out. I never want to go there again. I have been seeking the Lord so earnestly for the past few years and my life is so much better. People all around me chat about this problem and that problem like it’s normal and I feel so blessed and lucky. This morning it began to make more sense. Jesus really is light, and if you really are walking in the light you can see clearly. When you are doing everything you can to grow with Christ by praying, reading the Bible, going to a good church, listening to praise music, and really focusing on doing things that lift you up. For me that was no tv except Pureflix, Christian books, Bible studies and podcasts, even religious games and staying away from non edifying things. I had to immerse myself in God for a time. Now I enjoy it so much I can’t stop. Now I am flooded with light and my life has never been more awesome. I still have problems and concerns but when they pop up I can hear that still small voice telling me which way to turn and that’s so special. Try this, do that, and they work. The light of life is great.

Do you know how much easier it is to walk in the light?

So Loved

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” John 3:16-17 NIV

Oh, how God loves us! He could not let one little mistake condemn the world to a dead life and then death. He loved us so much that he wanted to share everything with us and enjoy life together forever. He can not condone sin but he planned a way to do away with that sin so we could be together. He paid a very large price to see that accomplished. He had to watch his own son suffer and die taking on all the sins of the world in our place. He had to turn away from his precious son because of all that sin. Even though he had lived a perfect life. He was so proud of his son, but he carried all that sin so we wouldn’t have to. After three days of torment he was raised to his rightful place in glory at the right hand of his father. Now God sees us just like his son. We are joint heirs to everything that he has and part of his family, brothers and sisters of Jesus, of God. He never wants to be a taskmaster or will he look on us with contempt. He just wants us to take him up on his offer to always love and care for us by just believing that he is who he says he is. He has proved it by fulfilling so many prophecies over thousands of years. He has also shown such great love by helping and meeting the needs of his children over and over again. Miracle after miracle, again and again. I’m just one daughter in billions but after sixty years he has done so much for me and anointed me to make a difference in my world. I feel so small and insignificant at most times. I am in a wheelchair and can’t walk, I do not talk very clearly and have trouble being understood. I have plenty of negatives in my life but he doesn’t care. He wants me to be great. He has enabled me to touch so many lives. I am important in his eyes and he keeps confirming that to me. I have such a hard time accepting that at times but he has shown the (FOG) favor of God in my life. I do not know how people who don’t know him get by. This is a very difficult life we live but I have hope. I accept all the help I get and will do whatever my creator says will help. He knows best and he’s proved it over and over again.

Do you want the FOG over your life?