Believing Lies

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” Isaiah 5:20

This world is full of sin and it has blinded the people from truth. God’s ways are so much different than anything man call’s important. A common belief says he who has the most in the end wins. But all they will win is loneliness, strife and death. If it’s possessions they desire they can never bring you happiness just more work and more worries. They will soon rot and be abandoned. I have learned a lot about possessions since I live in a nursing home. I came here with one suitcase and very little money but I never lack anything I need. God has blessed me so much. I also never worry about losing something because I’ve learned that possessions can’t make you happy if I lose something I’ll get a new one. God is my provider so I’m rich. If it is power it won’t last because others want it just as bad and will take it from you. Respect and a good reputation are no longer given because people make sure if they don’t have it neither do you. And they will purposely drag your name through the mud to be sure. The only one you can truly trust is God and he knows the complete truth and will share it with everyone. That truth can set you free. Most people don’t see themselves as not free. They want to be free to do what they want. To make their own mistakes if necessary. They think they can do anything they want as long as it doesn’t hurt others but the one they ultimately hurt is themselves. God’s ways may not make sense but they are perfect and will work every time. He loves and supports his children giving them everything they will ever need. As you submit to him and his ways you get more peace, and more blessings. There are still difficulties but he equips us to be overcomers just like him. Nothing is impossible for me. I don’t have to do everything for myself because he loves doing things for me and doesn’t require anything from me because he has everything already. I’ve given him my very best because he already gave me his very best.

Happily Ever After

“In a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. The trumpet will sound, and the dead in Christ will rise imperishable, and we will be changed.” 1 Corinthians 15:52

“We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body, and be at home with the Lord.“. 2 Corinthians 5:8

We are in the last days of this planet and we can see evil grow more every day and there are so many natural disasters such as earthquakes, fires and floods. Wars and unrest and extreme hatred. There is terrible pestilence such as Covid and cancer. We still need to be praying about these things but they have been forewarned. Are you doing all you can to finish your race strong? What more could you be doing to be all in? Have you asked for forgiveness for sins lately? Will you have regrets? Evil seems to be growing more each day and I am seeing things I could never imagine happening before that are becoming normal and accepted. The world could continue on for years or Jesus could return tomorrow but he will return when we least expect it. I am excited for heaven it is not called paradise for nothing. We won’t just be singing in God’s choir and playing harps all day there is so much to look forward to. I enjoy reading books about different near death experiences. Heaven sounds like a very exciting place. No more pain and no more tears. Perfect young bodies and understanding all things. It’s time to make sure you have your one way ticket ready. I know myself I have my momma and daddy anxiously waiting for my arrival. We have all lost friends and loved ones that we love and miss who will be waiting for us. When that last trumpet sounds and Jesus appears in the clouds it will be a great day because no more death. All those who have accepted Jesus and his precious gift of salvation will all get to meet him in the air. Returning to heaven with him at the same time and then spending eternity together never missing each other again. We will get to meet people like Moses and king David and getting to talk with people like Billy Graham. We will have all eternity to speak with so many different people especially Jesus himself. How could we ever get bored. But we need to be telling others that don’t know Jesus how much they are loved and what they are missing. By loving others into the kingdom so they will be coming with us. They won’t know all their missing if we don’t tell them. Knowing what awaits us in heaven makes it easier to tell others. God loves each person he made and wants to give them so much and do so much for them. He is our Father and loves us more than any natural father could because he is perfect. The more we follow his commands the more he blesses us. In heaven nobody can ever imagine all that is waiting for us. Even the little I’ve read about barely scratches the surface. God is only good and any good thing will be in heaven and we will get to spend eternity enjoying them. No evil either. We may enjoy time spent with friends and family here on Earth but not every day. Only once in a while but in heaven it will never end. There will be a huge reunion waiting for us when we arrive. The party will never end. I can just think about how I will feel sitting across from Jesus at the table in heaven. The more you think about it the more you will be ready to go. Just think about your very best vacation ever and it will be a million times better. And we’re almost there.

Tragedy Or Treasure

“Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” John 9:2

God is not vengeful or angry because we sin. He loves us and does not wish to see us doing things that he knows are not good for us. God can not do anything but good because he is good and perfect. By sinning we are sowing sin and yes it will come back to us in evil. But only Satan causes evil. God may allow evil if it brings glory to God and it is used for our good. Let me give you an example. I had a severe stroke when I was only 45, but I had been running from God and was living a destructive lifestyle. God allowed the stroke to wake me up and it did. It was really bad and I almost died but God had me in the palm of his hands. I had to work very hard but I now have a wonderful life. Yah the stroke was an awful thing and I lost everything I thought was important in my life. But I gained the one thing I didn’t even know I desperately needed. I realized that there was more to life than just me and I began to search for more and I found a wonderful relationship with my savior that I never knew before. People are always praying for God to heal me and restore what I have lost but he has healed me inside and that is more valuable than any physical healing could ever be. I am more grateful and blessed than I can imagine. If I am right where he wants me than I can’t have anything better. I have learned my purpose in the world and my handicap is a large part of it. I am touching more people right where I’m at and that has done so much for me. I still have struggles. We all will. Mine are just different from others. I have a pretty easy life because everyone does everything for me because I can’t. So it’s a pretty comfortable life of reading and writing and enjoying life. But life is just what you make it. Or how you appreciate what you have been given. It’s a treasure worth enjoying.

All In

“Lord to whom shall we go? You have the words to eternal life. We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.” John 6:68

“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession , that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.” 1 Peter 2:9-10

At one time I knew there was a God but I didn’t know God. Once God is revealed to you it changes everything. My eyes were opened and I knew that I knew that there was no other way for me. I remember I had been searching for more and decided to do whatever it took. Well one day I heard God speak to me that he loved me just like he loved David. Who me? David was a man after Gods own heart. But it says in the Bible that God loves everyone the same. He doesn’t have favorites. That really stuck with me. The more I sought the Lord the more he opened my eyes. You never know how much you need Jesus until you realize you could never live without him and you just want more. Before I wasn’t one of his chosen people but once I was, his grace and mercy became so evident in my life. Every day his mercy is more and more, giving me the strength, wisdom and desire to be all that he created me to be. It’s not up to me. I can do nothing good without him. I can try and wear myself out trying but it is his work in me that makes the difference. The life of a child of God can be so exciting if you let it and cooperate with God. He is doing so much all the time. It is not a boring life by any stretch of the imagination. It can be very exciting.. First of all his ways are not our ways. He will do whatever is necessary to meet different people right where they are. Example: he took a young shepherd boy and made him a giant slayer with a few rocks and then made him a very famous king. When you work for him and his kingdom you never know what you’ll experience. Some pretty cool stuff. Miracles! The more you ask for in prayer the more you can see. Healings, battling Satan and his evil bunch and just seeing God moving in the lives of different people around you. And he uses everyone that is willing to be used in awesome ways. Who knows what he has for your life next.