It Is Finished

“When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” He bowed his head and gave up his spirit.”

This says it is done, check mate, game-set-match, the end. Could he have been any clearer. There are so many defeated and worried people in this world and so many of them are Christians. Do they not believe God? Those words tell me that death is no more. The devil lost. No, he will still try to defeat humanity and destroy lives but the game is still over and he has lost. God says no-one that has been chosen will be lost for they are his. You can do things in this life to give Satan control but he has no control unless you allow it. God has given us authority over Satan because only he has control of our lives. Sickness, addiction, depression, fear, lack, anger and so much more. Jesus paid the ultimate price on that cross and God allowed it because we mean so very much to them. Not just our souls for salvation but so that we have an abundant and full life. God is very much the God of details. Everything is taken care of. He has every circumstance in his hands and he is in control of everything. Not once has he ever been taken by surprise. He can keep track of billions of people every minute and even know their very thoughts and intentions. God is awesome! There is nothing that comes near to that. It takes courage to live a life of conviction. You sometimes have to give up things that you might want, but God knows what is best for you. Following his commands is not always easy and you may lose a job or a friend because of your convictions because doing what God asks of you is not always popular. People may say you are weak, crazy, or strange. But do you know what? I have it so much more with peace and strength and an army on my side. An army that will win every time. The freedoms and peace are so worth any temporary inconveniences in this life. I am going to make sure I take advantage of everything that God has for me. Because I am worth it, God said so.


“For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror, then we will see face to face. Now I know in part, there I shall know fully, as I am fully known.” 1 Corinthians 13:12

I should be growing more every day to be just like my father. I was created to give God glory by being the exact image of him here on earth. We are the only God some people will ever see. Am I different from this world? Do I stand out as having something special that this world would desire? Most people think that Christian’s are hypocritical because they don’t see them as being light and different from themselves. What do you have that I don’t have? That’s why we need to look at the true plumb line. We are not comparing ourselves to other sinners. We need to look at our creator. By studying the words of God we will see what we need to see in the mirror. By meditating on his words we will see what we need to be. We get to know God more with each word we read. Where do we stand compared to Gods attributes? This is not something we can do on our own. But the Spirit that is within us is constantly teaching, counseling, and leading us to be more and more like God. Right now God knows me better than I will ever know myself. He knows just why he made me just as I am and all he has for me to do to bring him glory. He is constantly working on me from my first day until my last when I walk through those pearly gates in heaven. It’s a process that takes a lot of time. I may not be able to do it on my own, but I always need to be reevaluating just how much like my daddy I’m becoming. Do I look like him more than yesterday? What can I do today to look more like him? I know myself I’m thinking each minute, what can I do better right now? Something I forgot to do or say? I also like to make each moment special for me and God together. That is how you have a joy filled and successful life. I don’t want to waste a minute. I don’t know when my homecoming celebration will be but I want God to be happy with my progress here on earth. I do not want regrets or should haves or could haves. I have been to a place where doctors said , “I don’t think she’ll make it.” At that time I had huge regrets for my selfish behavior. Thank God he never gave up on me.


“We proclaim to you the one who existed from the beginning, whom we have heard and seen. We saw him with our own eyes and touched him with our own hands. He is the word of life.” 1 John 1:1

God is sovereign over all. There is nothing that he does not have control over. What he wants to happen does and he is very good. I have no control over anything and actually I don’t want it. I know the one who does and he does more than I could ever ask, think, or imagine. And I have a pretty good imagination. I first look to everything around me. Everything is from him for my enjoyment. So much that you could spend forever thanking him for things your whole life and barely scratch the surface. Things he has made like stars and planets, animals, plants, natural wonders, emotions, family, friends, gifts and talents. My son-in-law is an airline pilot and just got promoted to the top. He just started flying jumbo jets all over the earth. Last week he flew to England. I am so proud of him and excited for all he will experience. So I have been learning everything I can about all the places he’ll be traveling to. About the people, the natural wonders they are known for, industry, the arts, museums, commerce,churches and their religions. Yes God thought of it all. But not just the things he has made but all about him. He is living inside of me and I can do all things with him. Even greater things than he did, wow. There is nothing to stop me but myself. But that’s not going to happen because he can have all the control he wants. I am retired and can’t do a lot so I live in a nursing home. That sounds like a hard life but I have a chef and my meals come right to my room, housekeepers to make sure my room is always spotless, someone doing my laundry, maintenance for anything that goes wrong. Nurses and doctors taking care of all my health needs and making my appointments with doctors or hospitals and transportation. Insurance covering everything. A huge family and friends to live with. I even have my own private room with my own shower. Everything is done for me so I can just do whatever I want whenever I want. The first thing I want to do is talk to God, listen to praise music. I always say, “ What are we doing today God?” He has given me plenty to read, free games and puzzles to strengthen my brain. We spend the day together and I ask what I can do for him. That still small voice is always speaking and I listen. Life is great. It is everything you make it.

Unanswered Prayers

“I came naked from my mother’s womb, and I will be naked when I leave. The Lord gave me what I had, and the Lord has taken it away. Praise the name of the Lord.” Job 1:21

This morning I just had to write. I’ve been thinking of writing about unanswered prayers for a while now, but I just wasn’t sure, then this morning I woke up with a Garth Brooks song running through my head and God showing me everything I needed to write. God is good. I usually wake up singing praise songs or even other songs. He is always the first thing on my mind. I have really been growing the last few years. But growing takes strength and we need to exercise are muscles. Prayer muscles, faith muscles, and perseverance muscles.We don’t grow much in times of abundance and plenty but during trials. It will bring us to our knees in prayer and that’s a good place to be. I have pain sometimes at night in my legs, and sometimes it can be bad and if adjusting my bed doesn’t help I’ve learned to sing praises or pray if I can’t go to sleep. It will either go away or I will fall asleep. God is definitely listening to our prayers and he knows what’s best. After Covid let up we had a time where different new people we’re getting me up every day. This can be hard because I need things done certain ways so that I feel safe or I can panic. Especially when they don’t understand me. That isn’t good. I prayed about it a lot but God just kept telling me to trust him. I finally decided trust was all I could do because my freaking out didn’t help. I would pray for strength the whole time they were in my room. I kept saying God you’ve got this. Eventually I was at ease with new people and it didn’t bother me anymore. Job trusted God even more after everything he went through. I know that people will get sick and die. But God can heal anything when it’s his will. But sometimes he is ready for someone to come home to be with him. It may not be our choice but he knows best. Crying out to God is right where some people need to be so they stop relying on themselves and let God be God. Trials and pain will draw you to God. You don’t realize all God can and will do for those he loves until he’s your only hope. So trust God today, he does have it in control.