
“Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his faithful servants.” Psalm 116:15

What a wonderful thought. God is excited for the day we will be together with him in paradise forever. Ever since Adam and Eve ate the apple in the garden of Eden the world has been anything but perfect. We have to put up with trials, problems and death. We have come to fear death but it is just our destiny. God brings some home early just so they miss out on so much suffering and problems. To be in a perfect place where there is only peace and perfection forever. So many people I love have left this life and are now gazing into the face of God. One day we will be reunited with them for eternity. If you do not know the joy of knowing the Lord you have reason to be afraid of death. Because unless you know the love and forgiveness of the Lord you will be separated from all that is good forevermore. Never to have a good day again for eternity.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” John 3:16-17

God loves every person he has ever made so much and he wants you. All he wants is for you to say I’m sorry, please forgive me for my sins. And he promises to forgive any sin, no matter how bad. And you can be with him forever. I get excited thinking about it. He has told us that no mind can imagine all that he has for us. Even though some people have almost died and visited heaven they only got a glimpse of all it has to offer. It is going to take forever just to discover it all. That’s exciting! But you have to have received your ticket before you die. The forgiveness of your sins because everyone has sinned. No matter how devout or good you think you are it will never be enough for a righteous and Holy God. I don’t want to miss all he has for me.


“Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies it produces many seeds.” John 12:24

What farmers finally realized is that if they hold onto seeds they will rot and die. You have to sow that seed into the ground and trust that it will reap a harvest. There needs to be the right conditions for it to grow. The sun needs to shine on it. It needs to rain so it is watered. The soil needs to be prepared ahead of time to give the seed nutrients to grow. Just like that seed, if we want to grow in our lives the way God wants us to grow, we need to die to some things. Die to our desires and wants. Our hearts need to be prepared to receive the knowledge God wants us to learn. The son shines down on us and he has already done the difficult work. But he is still interceding for us all the time. The Holy Spirit comes along side of us giving us knowledge, power, strength, comfort, counsel, guidance and anointing. We still need to do our part. Read the Bible, pray, fellowship with other believers, attend church regularly, and to praise and worship God. It also helps to be truly grateful and thankful for all that we have been freely given. But you need to deny yourself. Sinful desires from your past life will damage the seed growing inside of you. You need to follow the commandments of God in his word. You need to learn to speak differently. With respect and love, and letting no unhealthy word come out of your mouth. The Holy Spirit has come to dwell in us and we are no longer our own. We are the temple of God. This is an amazing and beautiful temple. He is not with us for a week or two, he intends to never leave, ever. Everything you do and everywhere you go he is with you. People like to think they can act however they like, it’s their life. Who is it hurting? Well it’s hurting and grieving the Spirit. And every time you sin it’s like slapping Christ in the face and asking him to die all over again. We need to be the bigger man, so to speak, and admit when we are wrong and turn from our wicked behavior.

Unfair Advantage? Maybe

“Surely, Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield.” Psalm 5:12

The world is full of wonders, so many that we will never discover them all. The world is a very amazing and varied place. How could anyone think that it just evolved from nothing? People know that there is someone bigger and greater than themselves. They may not want to think about it. Someone that might control them and make them do things against their wishes. We all want a great life. We think we know what will make us happy. But by not investigating the possibilities you are missing out on some pretty amazing and wonderful things. The God of this universe is a very loving God and he wants what is best for each of us. We are his children and as a father he wants to bless and protect his children. I don’t know this just because I’ve read his words. But there is proof all around if you know what you’re looking for. We are all sinners, nobody is perfect, but God. We don’t deserve his love but he still loves us. Because he created love. There is evil in this world and it’s always lurking around. I, on the other hand, want this advantage he’s offering. He offers so many gifts and perks for coming to him for forgiveness and living for him. Jesus, his son, came to earth to show us how to live and have an abundant life. He willingly died so you could live forever with him. But you have to believe he died for you too, even if you have done some things that you think he could never forgive. There is nothing he won’t forgive. And when he does he forgets them never to bring them up, period. Then he gives the first of many gifts, the Holy Spirit. He will teach you, guide you, comfort you, and strengthen you for everything you need to do. He gives you grace and mercy enough for every day. He shows favor to you and all the great things he has for you and when you mess up, and you will, he forgives you all over again. The more you get to know him, he gives fruit to help you grow more like himself. Love, joy, peace, patience, endurance, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, and self -control. His joy is not like anything you have ever known. You can have joy when things are rough and problems come because you know that he is always in control and always wants your best. You really want to look into this further because you don’t have forever and you don’t want to wait too long because his offer is no good once you die. You never know when that might be. You do not want to miss all he has for you either.