Truth Or Dare

“You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.” Matthew 24:6

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the father but through me.” John 4:16

I remember my teenage years back in the 70’s we used to play a game called spin the bottle, and truth or dare. Telling a truth like have you ever done this or that. Or choosing to accept a dare. The dares were not always easy like jump in the pool in winter or kiss somebody. Well now days if you don’t want to accept the truth the dare might be more than you ever bargained for. Most people are raised to understand what’s right and what’s considered wrong like murder. But as we are taught more and more untruths we are becoming more and more tolerant of wrongs. This country was founded on Christian principles and patriotism. But people have gone away from that because then they might not be free to be who they are. To live how they want to live. They see Christian’s as weak and needy of a crutch to lean on. Closed minded and not in touch with reality. But in reality they see and know so much more than most will ever know and they have something more and exciting like love and peace that most will never experience. But we also know the real truth and he is living in us and is always with us. One day he is coming back to take us to paradise to live with him forever. The more we know him the more we can see the lies that are being taught around us that have been accepted as truth. Most of it can be very destructive and that is why our world keeps getting darker and scarier. There is also signs that are happening that show us that the world we live in can not exist for much longer the way it is going. Scientists have shown us that global warming and other things are taking a toll on this planet. There are so many things that could happen to destroy our planet. But right now we are seeing wars and rumors of war arising everywhere. Crimes of hate are increasing all over. Natural disasters such as hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, fires are commonplace. Just this week I have seen so many devastating things occurring throughout the world. It is only going to get so much worse until no life exists on the planet. The only name that can change eternity of God’s wrath is Jesus. Jesus forgiveness can give you life not death.

Onward Christian Soldiers

“For are struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Ephesians 6:12

As Christian’s we are in Gods army, everyone of us. It is not just for pastors or the leaders around us but he has called each of us. When you become a soldier of the American army you are sent to boot camp to learn what will be required of you. To receive your weapons and all important orders that you will need to do your job and stay alive. It’s very important that you use everything given to you to get the job done. Well it is no different with God. First of all he has given us his word written thousands of years ago but still very relevant for our lives today. He has given us his Holy Spirit to give us guidance and counsel and the strength to do what we need to do. He has given us the armor we will need to fight. The helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, the shoes of peace, the sword of the spirit and the shield of faith. Everyone’s battle looks different. I remember the last few years I told God I didn’t understand why I had this stroke because it left me broken and unable to do much anymore. What could I possibly offer to God? Well he has plans for everyone and he will use everyone that will be used right where they’re at. I am in a wheelchair and speak with difficulty because of aphasia. People have difficulty understanding me and I can’t just get around and do everything like I once did but, God helps me write and communicate through my writing with people around the world, thanks to the World Wide Web. I write books, devotionals, and a blog. I am encouraging others in their Christian walk. Maybe he called you to feed the homeless or provide needs for the needy. To provide a service that is really needed or just to lift people up and encourage them. When Jesus called the apostles he didn’t pick leaders and perfect people that had everything together. The people he used in the Bible in powerful ways were usually the week and humble that didn’t see it in themselves. Perfect for God because that just makes him look good and even more powerful. The ones he has a hard time using are the ones who think they can do it themselves. They don’t need God or his help. So get out there and serve or love on others but be available for whatever God has for you. He will reward you greatly one day.


“Lord do not hold this sin against them .” When he had said this he fell asleep.”

Forgiveness does not hurt you but unforgiving can hurt us greatly. It is a noose around our neck that continues to tighten and a weight that gets heavier the longer you hold that unforgiving in your heart. I love this verse because it says that as soon as he asks God not to hold this sin against them he falls asleep. No more pain of boulders hitting your body, bones breaking or fear. Sleep is peaceful and then waking up to the face of Jesus. Can anything be better than that. When he awoke there was such a party waiting for him. Considering how he died they were probably there to pat him on the back. But the greatest reward will come from the father who always loves to be gracious and proud of his children. Another thing that stood out to me was Paul standing by watching. When Stephen told God not to hold this against them Paul was probably the biggest instigator. He may have thought he was doing the right thing and helping God out by protecting his name but that unforgiveness was probably what helped Paul to forgive himself after he was transformed into the mighty man of God he became. If Stephen had not forgiven would Paul have gone on to write a large chunk of the Bible and bring about the saving of many lives. And even the Gentile people who wouldn’t be saved without Paul’s work and ministry. I know I am one very grateful Gentile. People don’t know why others do what they do because they have not walked in their shoes. Nobody knows the things they have faced in their lives. Hurting people tend to hurt people and holding the hurt against them only hurts you. You may lash out at them making them more miserable and less likely to ever be able to forgive themselves or think that God would ever forgive them. But the most important thing you are alive on planet earth for is to love others into the kingdom of heaven. How much harder are you making it for them by holding that grudge. Should people be cruel and hurtful? No. But oftentimes they do not understand the circumstances correctly and don’t even understand why they lash out the way they do but once it’s done it can’t be undone. I know myself I never want to do anything to hurt others but if I’m scared or misunderstood and get frustrated I can panic and fight or flight takes over and I eventually regret my behavior. God is currently working on this in me but it is very difficult for me. But Jesus told us to forgive and it is a command just like do not kill. Considering all he has forgiven me and others of without even thinking about it. I definitely need to forgive others because I wouldn’t want to be unforgiven for any of my mistakes and sins.

Children Of God

“But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.” Luke 15:20

We are all children of the most high God. Whether we acknowledge him or even want anything to do with him. Or even if we don’t even acknowledge that he exists. He still loves us. Even if you did not feel understood or loved by your family. Maybe you ran from them trying to find love and acceptance. That doesn’t mean that they didn’t love you. Maybe they spend every day worrying about you and hoping you come back home. It takes a mother and a father to be your parents. They loved and created you but ultimately God is your father, he is the one who gave you life. I have been reading a book about royalty, lords and dukes, kings and queens, during war times. People are normally taught to respect royalty and authority but we are all just humans. We all make mistakes and no one is more important than another. No one is more special than another . But we are also all royalty. The King of kings, Lord of lords, the most high authority of this planet is our papa and he loves us fiercely. He loves all his children equally and has told us to love others better than ourselves. He wants us to have great respect for our brothers and sisters because that is who they are really. We are all temporarily based on this planet trying to get by. We can do so much more if we just get along in unity. If we just learn to see each other through God’s eyes of love and compassion we will be so much better off. Treating others better and how you would like to be treated. We all want to be respected and loved. God has done all he can to get his kids to love each other. Now we just need to love him and thank him for that. If not he will still love us. Nothing we could do will make him love us more he already adores us. And he has time so he’ll keep waiting.