Payment For Sin

“If he were not a criminal,” they replied, “we would not have turned him over to you.” John 18:30 NIV

Jesus a criminal. Only God could have orchestrated that scenario. Jesus was a perfect human being. He lived a life without sinning. He was one of the many loving, caring, and wonderful persons ever. He never argued about being right. But he was always right. He didn’t need to get his point across. Prove himself, or defend himself. All things we do quite regularly. Somehow we see it as necessary to have people like us, agree with us, and cooperate with us. Nobody wants to be looked down on, be picked on, or bullied. We try to prove that what we do or say is right, at least to our reasoning. Jesus stated a fact. Take it or leave it. He did not need people to agree with him or to do what he said. The things he tells us to do really are the best for us and he knows that. If we don’t do them we are just hurting ourselves. He doesn’t want to see us hurting others by our choices but he has given us free will. It gives him so much more joy when we do things because we want to, our choice. He has told us what to do to be blessed. He has also shown us what will bring troubles and curses. Do you know that everything he did should have brought him so much peace and acceptance, but he came here for one reason and only one. To do his father’s will. A sacrifice had to be made, a perfect sacrifice. We are all imperfect. Not one person has ever led a perfect life, but Jesus. The only way, was for Jesus to live a perfect life and be sacrificed. He did it willingly for you and for me. He was right, never wrong, and he should have been accepted and agreed with. Instead he put up with terrible abuse. He was whipped, spit on and humiliated. Over and over he had the opportunity to defend himself but he didn’t. He could have, maybe should have. But that was not the plan. He hung there on that cross and died for you and for me. He looked to the day when each of us would say yes to the gift he offered us. It didn’t have to make sense to us, it made sense to God. He even made a point of forgiving the criminal that hung next to him when he asked. No one has ever done anything they can’t be forgiven for. He loves us. He even prayed, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.”

Do you want to accept this extravagant gift?

A Name

“The name of the Lord is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.”

Proverbs 18:10 NIV

What’s in a name? Oh, the precious name of Jesus. The sweetest name I know. My God, the creator of Heaven and earth, the one true God. I have been made righteous through the blood of Jesus Christ. I can run to God whenever. He is all that I need and all that I want. Our God has many names and with those names many attributes. God is so efficient that just one name doesn’t begin to describe him. Everlasting Father, he is and was and always will be more than we could ever need. He is with us every minute even until the end of time. Alpha and omega, first and the last, the beginning and the end. This is such a comforting feeling. He is there for us always. Adonai, owner of all. Everything is Gods, everything that was ever made was made by God just for us. God is so good. Holy one, Yahweh, I am, Jehovah, Mighty God, El Shadai, The Word, Messiah, the Light of the world, Cornerstone , Prince of peace, Holy Spirit, Comforter, Creator, Emmanuel, Bread of Life, Savior, Jesus Christ, Yahweh Rapha, Yahweh Nissi, Yahweh Jirah, El Oh Lamb El El Roi, El Quanna, Yahweh Shalom, Yahweh Shammah, Yahweh Roha and so many more. But he is alive and not dead. He is in charge. Everything he says he does, he does. He doesn’t depend on me to do anything on my own. No great things that I must do to make him love me. To prove that I deserve anything. He just asks that I love, and obey him. Which is in my best interests anyway. He always hears me and always answers me. There has never been a god like him, nor will there ever be. He does deserve the highest praise for all he is and does. Many gods claim to do much with no proof. Gods of healing, fertility and abundance, but do they really do anything. They don’t ask us to love others, or even be a selfless loving human being. Someone who can and will make this a better world for all. He is everything we claim him to be and more. I have a track record with him to prove it.

Do you know this amazing God?

A New Way

“by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.” Hebrews 10:20-23 NIV

We no longer are bound by the old covenant. We are free. Jesus paid a very high price for our freedom. By his death on the cross and God’s having raised him from the dead those chains were broken. There is a new way. What wonderful grace! The early believers in God were required to do so much because they were sinners. Always trying to be something they just couldn’t be. To do just the right things. I don’t think it could be done. At least not completely. The priests were our go between. Between us and a Holy God. They approached God for the people with sacrifices and prayers to somehow make us right. The most holy place was where the chosen priest went alone to talk with God on our behalf. When Jesus died the curtain that separated that room was torn into from top down. Showing that this was no longer necessary. God was saying, ” it is no more, there is a new way, Jesus has paid it all.” With the tearing of that curtain by the hand of God we no longer have to go through a priest. We have direct access to the Father through his son. I had someone explain that to me real well. There was a little boy named Johnny, he was having a problem. His friend Dave said he could help. He would take him to see the president surely he could help. They walked right in to the White House and directly before the president. No one even tried to stop them. Not even once. You see what Johnny didn’t know was that Dave was the presidents son. The president would do anything for him. Everyone new he had direct access to his dad at any time. If we come to our Heavenly Father through his one and only precious son God will do whatever we ask. If our hearts are right and we do his will he sees us just as he sees his son. We are that important. You do not have to fear that you don’t measure up or that God is mad or upset with you. He sees you and loves you unconditionally. No other God ever created ever deserved that kind of love and respect. But our God has earned it by over and over proving who he is. All the great things ever said about him don’t even come close. I get so choked up at times just enjoying his goodness to me. One little old lady that is nothing special. But i can be bold in my confidence in him. And I will be, because he has never let us down and he never will.

Do you know that he wants you to come to him for everything?

Be Light

” And God said, “Let there be Light,” and there was light.” Genesis 1:3 NIV

This one short phrase really says so much. In the very beginning ALL was dark, and there was nothing. When God said this God was very aware of our need for him. We were never meant to live apart from him. In the beginning he walked in the garden with the man and the woman, sharing all he had with them. It was never about us, but everything he can do for us. He made a perfect garden far better than any man could create. The animals he created are more beautiful and unique, but everyone of them has a purpose in this world. They are made just for the environment they were created to live in. Whether it be cold or warm, and flat or rocky. I do not know how you can look at some of these wonders and not think about their creator. Jesus is the light of the world and God is light, in him there is no darkness. Without him there would be nothing. Contrary to many so called wise men who say, “The Earth just happened.” In all its unique perfection and purpose. This is so far from anything that has happened and there would be no way to prove it. We all know man is far from perfect, and to just grasp at straws proves it. The Light of the World spoke and things happened. Amazing and awesome things happened. Their abilities of greatness and wisdom are evident. Everything was taken into consideration. How would the plants be watered? What would the people eat? In the very beginning the world was perfect. Man didn’t need clothes because the climate was moderate. Everyone ate plants and there was no death. Everything they could ever want was available. God has called us to be his light to the world. We are anticipating Jesus great return, but Jesus is waiting for his people to stand up and be that light and be victorious. He has called us to be salt. What this world desperately needs. So many people have become complacent, thinking that the world is just going to get worse. That it’s just too late. But Jesus has asked us to continue sharing the gospel to all till he does return. And we don’t know when that time will come. Tomorrow you may change someone’s thinking by the love you share and they could be saved. If we just give up how will we know just who might have been saved from death. It can be something very simple that finally gets through to them. So don’t give up. Continue to speak hope and love. So many people just don’t know that there is hope or that they are loved. We should never stop being light because this is such a dark time. Even some who call themselves Christians, just do not know the hope that is set before us.

What can you do to be light?