Be Ready

“You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.” Luke 12:40

Whether you are a Christian or not we tend to assume that we have a long wait. I’m only five. I have 90 more years, right? Nobody thinks about maybe dying early. We are not promised another breath, we just expect it. Whether you die at birth or you live to be 100 we will all face the end one day. Do we need to be perfect? No, but how we live on earth will make a great difference. If you believe in Christ and have accepted him into your heart you have been forgiven for past sins. God knows you are not perfect and whether or not you want to, you will sin. When you realize you have sinned just come to God and tell him you are sorry. Clear the air and continue to seek his help. We can get very distracted in life’s concerns and problems but it is so important to your peace and full life to never stop seeking God and his advice. He is our focal point. I remember when I was pregnant going to childbirth classes. Like they could teach you to have a baby. Wasn’t that just instinct? Well when the pain consumes you, you have to focus on something so hard that it will get you through the next contraction. That is just like life, sometimes you just need to get through the next few hours. Focus on the solid foundation of Jesus. He loves you and will never leave you or forsake you. Remember how he willingly sacrificed his life so you could live a full and abundant life. To be assured of eternal life with him in heaven. We need to keep his commandments and to love others. But we can get busy with life and our needs and wants and lose our focus. If I said STOP right now, this very minute, and think about your relationship with the King of kings and Lord of lords. Are you ready for his return? Where will you spend eternity? Forever and ever. It will happen suddenly. It may take thousands of years to get here but will you grow cold waiting or anxiously be expecting him. I remember as a kid waiting for my grand parents or cousins to visit. Oh, I would get so excited and everything had to be perfect. I would keep asking, when will they be here? How much more excited should we be to see Jesus. We need to live every day just like it might be our last. Because one day it will be.


“In that day the remnant of Israel, the survivors of Jacob, will no longer rely on him who struck them down, but will truly rely on the Lord, the Holy one of Israel.“. Isaiah 10:21

“So to, at the present time there is a remnant chosen by grace. Romans 11:5

Only a remnant will make it to heaven. But what is a remnant? It is only a fragment or a scrap, small parts, little unused bits. The chosen few who made the Lord their everything. People like to say that the Lord is loving and would never do anything like send someone to hell. Well he doesn’t but he will allow you your choice. If you don’t want him in your life he will give you your wishes. He doesn’t want to but he loves you. If you always preferred to do your desires and his ways were not what you desired then you have made your choice. There will be no sin in heaven and no sinners. It just wouldn’t be heaven then would it. There will be people who have done terribly horrific things in their lives but have simply asked the loving God of the universe to forgive them for their mistakes, when they realized they were wrong, and he did. They will be made perfect by his loving grace and mercy. A simple request but seldom made by billions on earth. Oh, there will still be millions in heaven but not the billions in hell. Heaven will be full of those that truly gave their hearts truly to their God. It is not by works that you get to heaven. But those that are going to heaven will do the works that their father did. You will know them by their love and their actions. It’s all about their heart. The reason you probably thought Christian’s were hypocritical was that those you knew were probably not really Christians, and they will be with you in hell. Thinking that God would surely let everyone in. Those that loved the things of this earth more than him. You chose the desires of your hearts. So he gave you what you chose, are you happy?

God is Good

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” Psalms 197:1

God is good and he has given us everything we need for an abundant and victorious life. That doesn’t mean that our life will always be perfect. No, he has assured us that we will have troubles of many kinds. Just recently I have seen so many new and different problems pop up. First it was Covid-19 and it’s problems of dying, masks, isolation and vaccines. Then when that seemed to die down there was political unrest. Cancer and new diseases are hitting us hard. Satan is out to destroy like never before. Wars and rumors of wars. Natural disasters like flooding, tsunamis, earthquakes, and hurricanes like never before. What is this world coming to? Well through it all God is still in control and he is still good. He hasn’t given up on us. His grace and mercies are there every morning with the strength and the help we will need for that day. Things can easily overcome us to where things feel like we are out of control. It doesn’t do any good to worry about the future or dwell on the past. We need to live in the moment because that is where God is working to help us. Am I loving and serving God? Spending time with him in prayer and reading his word? Then he will take care of everything else. There is nothing I can do to change things. Life is what it is. The most important thing you can do is live your life loving others and have a good grateful attitude and know that God is working everything for your good.


“Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness.” Romans 5:3

What is righteousness? Morally right. Well God is always morally right. It is taking God at his word.and believing him. Believe what he says he will do. His promises are true and we can count on them every time. When he tells you to do something, even when it might not make sense to our finite minds, God is faithful and always right. He has never steered me wrong. He loves you and will always do what is best for you. Following his commands and doing the right and loving things even when it’s not easy. God will always help you to do the right thing. When you step out to do the right thing you will always have free will to do as you please. Our world is full of wickedness because people choose to do their will, not God’s will. Satan wants to destroy everyone because God made us and loves us. You may have troubles but God will lead you through them as you trust and listen to him. We have the troubles usually because we listened to Satan and he convinced us to do what we want. If we pray unceasingly God will show just what to do to get out of troubles. The more time you spend with him the more his presence leads you to the right path. We can want to do the right things all we want but we need his help to do the right things. None of us are righteous, no not one. Only God can make us righteous. Nobody say’s, “I think today I will have fun sinning.” It just happens because it is our natural nature. Sometimes bad things happen but they can really be used for good by God. Look how Joseph was able to save thousands of people from perishing because he knew the drought was coming. His family had tried to get rid of him but it put him in the right place at the right time. My stroke saved my life, even if my body is broken and far from perfect my mind and spirit are more alive now than ever. I am more alive and at peace but I was living a destructive life before the stroke. God will use evil every day to cause good. To see him turn evil into good just makes me praise him more from day to day. I love to see God’s Glory. He will also give us peace right in the middle of our storms. It makes no sense but I can remain calm during turbulent times. The situation doesn’t even have to change. It’s just amazing. Yep, God is just amazing!

The Good Shepherd

“he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name sake.” Psalm 23:3

Oh how wonderful is my good shepherd. I can be just as simple as a sheep and not worry about things because the King of all kings and the Lord of all lords loves me. Just the way I am right now. He leads me in the right way that is best for me because he cares so much about my life. He does know more than I do and he will never steer me in the wrong direction. He knows that the world needs him and he is willing to use a simple sheep to show this world his love. As he guides me I will be more and more like him and my light will shine bright in a dark world to change others. This will bring God glory and that is why I’m alive. “News Flash”, I’m not here to please only myself. I am here on a mission for God. My only responsibility is to work with him. To pray, talk to God, and always to get to know him better and better. Read his words so I know the truth and strengthen my mind. To worship him and praise him for all he has done for me and given to me. To attend church regularly and fellowship with other Christians, so we can lift each other up and encourage them to obey his commands. The hard part is up to him. But he has given me everything I will need to do it all. His spirit lives inside of me and gives me the wisdom and strength to do it and he never gives up on me or gets tired of my mistakes. Each morning he has endless grace and mercy for the new day ahead. Children can be quite challenging and frustrating at times but I am his child and he will never stop loving me. He will keep loving me all the way home to living with him forever. That’s how much he cares.