What Is Sin

“For the wages of sin is death; but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23 NIV

Sin brings death. But all sin brings consequences into our lives. Sin is different to different people. There are sins that we all know such as murder, slandering God’s name, and adultery. But to God each sin is the same. He will forgive one as well as another. A sin is a conviction in your heart that says, ‘don’t do it.’ Or maybe to go do something. You may feel inside that you shouldn’t lie or steal. But it might also tell you to talk to someone. By not listening to that still small voice you are sinning. Sinning is wrong. It may not be wrong to eat something but if you feel you shouldn’t eat that extra cookie at lunch, then for you it is a sin. If you really need to lose weight so you can enjoy the life God wants to bless you with. A healthy, happy, productive life. Then that would be a sin. When we eliminate sin it’s brings so much freedom and peace. I know I read several different things, totally by accident, about eating healthy. About the dangers of hidden sugars. Well I felt like I needed to change the way I was eating and it wasn’t easy but I felt convicted. Not everyone feels that way, but for me it would have been a sin to ignore. After a month I lost a lot of weight and I’ve never felt more energy and alertness. That little bit of discipline helped in my relationship with God, also. I felt like I needed to exercise my arms. I didn’t have to, but it has made me feel better. I’ve been writing a daily devotional. Some days I just can’t write but that’s ok. I feel God has called me to be an encouragement to others and do all I can. When I do write , it comes so fast I can barely get it down fast enough. He will inspire me with things to write about but I need to stay in his word and in prayer to be ready to hear him. Each day I tell God to use me. I will do whatever he asks. As I see God using me I get excited and want to do more. I watched another good movie last night God has so many great plans for our lives and he will do more than we can ever imagine. He sees pictures of us doing things and being apart of something so great but sin can compromise that plan. It showed a man who had been raised right and lived a good life, but he had lost his job and decided to rob a convenience store for money. The robbery went badly and someone had been shot. God kept telling him to turn himself in, but his brother kept pushing him. Finally God convinces him to turn himself in and ask for forgiveness and to turn his life over to God. He was missing out on so much that God was trying to give him. His dad had not been around for him because he was in prison. He knew he needed to be a better person for his family and a baby on the way to raise. He turned himself in and even ministered to other men while he was in prison. His brother even came to know the Lord though his ministry.

What has God shown you that you need to change?

Sowing And Reaping

“Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies it remains a kernel of wheat. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” John 12:24

To produce much fruit a seed must die. Unless it is buried in the ground it will never produce more fruit. If we continue to worry about ourselves and all we need and want, we will not be very productive. God knows all that we really need. He is always meeting those needs. Without needing our help. We need to come to a place where the things of the Father, advancing his kingdom, is more important to us than our wants. When we put his needs first, he will take care of our needs. He has taught us the principal of sowing and reaping. Whatever we sow is what we will reap. If you decide to plant corn, you don’t sit around wondering what will come up. If you are kind, you will receive kindness. If you are patient, then others will be patient with you. If you are harsh, then you probably won’t be treated patiently and kindly. I have a friend who served as a sergeant in the army for 30 years. He is used to barking commands and demanding action from his men. Back in the real world this is not how things get done. He doesn’t seem to understand why he is always treated harshly but he continues yelling. Demanding what he wants. We need to desire to be like Jesus. What would Jesus do in this situation? He never had to raise his voice or be rough. He did everything out of love and compassion. All his Father would want him to do. He did it all perfectly. He also spent time with his Father in prayer, which gave him the strength he needed to do it all. If he needed help then we can accept help. Happy people aren’t always grateful, but grateful people are happy people. To be happy, start naming things that you are happy for. As I pray, I remember how I was taught, always use ACTS. Pray Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and then Supplication. As I state my needs I need to be thanking him for things he has already given me and adoring who God is and his might and his faithfulness. I may need to ask for forgiveness for things I should not have done or said. Remember God knows you best and his desire is to bless you if you are totally following him. Be sure to thank him for his goodness and he will continue to bless you.

Do you want to be happy and blessed?


“For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have? For if we hope for what we do not have, we wait for it patiently .” Romans 8:24&25

Hope is not something we already have or just wishful thinking that we might have it. But hope is a lot like faith because we know it’s ours in Jesus Christ our Lord. To look forward to with desire and confidence.

“In his name the nation’s will put their hope.” Matthew 12:21

Jesus is definitely something we can put our hope in. He died for the sins we have committed. We were lost and hopeless but he has given us hope.

You will be secure, because there is hope: you will look about you and take your rest in safety.” Job 11:18

Now we can rest in him. He has done the work, and he is continually working. Each day he is already ahead of us Everything is prepared for our brand new day. Divine appointments are already set up for us to meet and enjoy just who he has put in our paths. Everything is for our best. We need to make the very best we can of today.

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him. So that you may overflow by the power of the Holy Spirit..”. Romans 15:13

He has given us the power and strength for today. He’s given us words to speak life. His Spirit will guide and direct us as we trust in him.

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:12

Joy is something you choose. Just like choosing sadness or defeat. Make joy a choice you make the minute you open your eyes in the morning God has given you this new day just by waking you up. Go and make it the best day that you can.

“For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.” Romans 15:4

Notice how many times you see the word WILL in these verses. God knew how important hope is. He is trying to show us that it is not just possible, but guaranteed. If you will search for him you are guaranteed to find peace and joy. So many promises our ours if we just trust him. Don’t just trust but rest in that trust and see it happening.

“And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.” Romans 5:5

When we have the hope of Jesus in our lives we want others to know it too. Others may not believe us, but we can hold securely to that hope because Jesus will never let us down. One day all will know the truth.

“And we boast in the hope of the glory of God.” Romans 5:2

So when you boast, boast in him who is worthy and share with all you can.

“God did this so that, by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to take hold of hope set before us may be greatly encouraged.” Hebrews 6:18

History has proven so much of the Bible. Historical facts are provable. Beyond that the Bible has proven true based on thousands of prophecies that have come to pass in exact detail and these words prove themselves true. His promises never fail.

“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.” Hebrews 10:23

When I was young my grandfather, a Baptist minister, told me the Bible was completely true and could be believed. The more I believed and did what it said the better my life became. I could see God working.

Trust in the Lord, he is trustworthy. At times when I have had to wait it is hard. Especially because I need help to do most of my personal needs and need my caregiver. They do get busy with others. God wants me to wait patiently. I will get good help when they are free. God will see to it.

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” 1 Peter 1:3

Jesus was raised to life and is now living in heaven at the right hand of God. Now I can know for sure that when I die I will be raised to life to be with him forever in heaven.

I can totally rest in my God knowing that nothing can separate me from him. One day I will be with him forever.

“All who have this hope in him purify themselves, just as he is pure.” 1 John 3:3

All we need to get to heaven is faith. To believe he meant what he said, that we could come to him and he would forgive us for everything. No limitations. Once we believe we are purified and God sees us just like our King Jesus, perfect.

How Much

“You were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” 1 Corinthians 6:20 NIV

We are so loved. How much? Well let me try to tell you. At one time the world was formless and void. All was dark and there was nothing. God wanted something very special and we were on his mind. Someone who could love him, respect him and enjoy all he is. He began by creating things we would need and want. Every detail was thought out in advance. it had to be perfect and to be able to sustain us for thousands of years. It would fulfill so many needs. He made man as much like him as he could. Able to communicate, think, reason and understand. Not just to exist, but to really live. To leave a legacy for future generations. Everything he made was special just for us. Unique and different plants and animals. Things that we could enjoy but that we could learn about and discover gradually. He walked with the man at first enjoying his companionship, and all was as it should be. No death, no evil, and no wickedness. But we were given the will and freedom to make our own choices. Something an imperfect people will screw up in time. God told man to do only one important thing , but Satan used that one simple thing to put a wedge between us and God. The tree of life. There were tons of different trees all around, yet that wasn’t enough. We always seem to want what we shouldn’t have. Might be missing something. Well from the day that sin came into the perfect garden God had to banish man from the garden. But God did not give up on us. There would be a way for us to be together again and many years later this plan was perfected. Jesus was born on earth to a poor, young couple and began to show us what love really was. He was born for one reason and that was to redeem us. Where we could be perfect once more and he could spend eternity with us. This is how much we meant to him. Though even though we were all messed up sinners his son would come to earth and live a perfect life showing us just how to be perfect and love all. But being human he would understand all we go through, yet still not sin. Then he would willingly be arrested, ridiculed, beaten and murdered for us. Dying in our place he would sacrifice himself for all mankind. What a price. But he did it gladly just imagining that day years away when so many who had accepted this priceless gift would be together with him forever. In a place that was perfect. No pain, no tears, just joy continually.

Do you understand how much he wants you?


We all seek peace and the only true peace is from God so hear are some of what he says about true peace.

God speaks so much about peace and isn’t that what we all really need. If we just listen he tells us very plainly that he wants that for us and just how to have it. I remember at one time thinking how awful it would be to live in an old folks home. But God has shown me that it’s not where you are but how you react and the people you are around. It helps completely knowing God is right there with you and he is the one of ultimate peace. I’m not homeless but I have a huge family here that loves me and I am truly at peace with that now. I love my life.

“I will grant peace in the land, and you will lie down and no one will make you afraid. I will remove wild beasts from the land, and the sword will not pass through your country.” Leviticus 26:6

I live in such peace. Things used to really bother me, such as whining and complaining. Residents that were not all there mentally. Rules, regulations, and requirements to follow. But God has given me such understanding and compassion. 2020 is my fifteenth year here and I have been in my room since February and having my own cozy room is nice. It bothered me at first but God has worked in my life so much this year.

“The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” Numbers 6:26

I seldom think of this verse. God must smile when he looks toward me because the amount of peace in my life lately has gone through the roof. He is so good.

“Submit to God and be at peace with him: in this way prosperity will come to you.” Job 22:21

This is a big way to have peace Submit, seems hard but his ways are now my ways and it just works. Prosperity is not just money and things. Things don’t bring happiness. I have very little money but God supplies my every need and I am very prosperous mentally. More than prosperous. Another aspect of submission is knowing that God is good and his rules and commands are for safety and life. To submit and commit to follow his ways is huge but very liberating at the same time.

“In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.” Psalms 4:8

I did feel nervous when Covid first started. Several people in this building have had it, but God has taken good care of me and if I get it, oh well. I still have my peace and each night as I lay down he gives me such great sleep. I know God’s got my back.