
I had the opportunity to go to the Odysea Aquarium in Scottsdale Friday. My daughter and her son took me for the day. I greatly recommend it for those who haven’t been. I was so in awe of all the creatures living in oceans and streams. I can not look at the great diversity and see how it just happened.

Everything in that place just cried out God is awesome. So very many fish and water animals of all colors and shapes. I saw tiny little seahorses about 2-3 inches long swimming among the plants in their tanks. They would hold on to the plants with their tails while they slept or ate. So perfect in detail.

I watched otters frolicking around and found out that they are very excited by anything with wheels. They would get so excited at a stroller or even my wheelchair. The are so cute. They drew a large crowd. There behavior is so fun to watch.

So many different size and shapes of fish and such funny names. It looked as if they were making odd faces at me. Most very grumpy looking. I really enjoyed just watching them. One tank had sea turtles and my grandson spoke up. “Hey these are special needs turtles.” Most of the turtles were missing limbs.

Later in the day we heard that many turtles are hurt by boaters and debris in the water. They can no longer survive in the wild so this kind of home is perfect for their rehabilitation. Being in a wheelchair myself I can relate to what it takes to adapt. But God helps all creatures whether man or beast relearn the way they do things.

The way they learn to survive in their environment by coloring and the way they were designed. It is all so well thought out. How could something that perfect just happen. My mind just can not see anything about evolution as being plausible. I just got a magazine from the NCI. National Creation Institute in Dallas Texas.

This Institute is doing great things about building creation museums and educating people on true research that shows real facts of Creation. These aren’t just theories but actual researched facts that support the Bible’s history and timelines. Their magazine is called ‘Facts and Acts’. Great name.

There are so many scientists and researchers that are strong Christian authorities. They are striving to show truth. For so many years we have been programmed to think one way, evolution. But more and more wholes are being found in those theories.

I noticed this morning so much more than I normally do. So much beautiful landscaping. A beautiful golf course with so many different trees. Every shape and color. Man has done a great job of taming and designing around nature but give God the credit for all he has given us to work with.

I know of a new exhibit near my daughters home that has a life size recreated example of what Noah’s arc would have looked like. They got to go there this summer on their vacation . I guess it was massive. They really enjoyed it. I have no idea how all those animals got along for so many days. It must haves smelled too.

I am so glad there are places like that for my grandkids to explore. Things that finally give credit where credit is long overdue.


“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a special possession, that you may declare the praises of him that called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” 1 Peter 2:9 NIV

“You will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. These are the words you are to speak to the Israelites.” Exodus 19:6 NIV

We have been chosen by God before time began. Before we were ever formed we were called out to be his chosen people. Not everyone is chosen. We are called to be the sons and daughters of Christ. We are called to serve our king.

We are to be the image of Christ. To be Jesus hands and feet to our communities.

We must accept this gift he has given us. It was given freely by Christ as he suffered and died on the cross to give us the chance to be made right with God. We have been given free will to choose for ourselves who we will serve.

Once we have chosen to serve the Lord we need to begin every day with that commitment. We live every day in this world but this is not our true home. It is with Christ in heaven. Each day we need to choose him. To follow his ways and serve him with our whole being.

As part of the special needs community it is very important to be chosen and accepted and loved. I had the privilege to go to camp all last week up in Williams, Arizona. Along with sixty or so other handicapped individuals we got to spend the week with Special Touch Ministries..

It is a wonderful environment for all ages. All different physical and emotional needs. We are loved on and accepted for who we are. We learn who we can be in Christ.

We are called to be priests. Jesus no longer lives on this earth. The only way people can see Jesus is through his children, his priests. We are very special to him. He is with us the whole way and will help us.

For me personally I learned that God has called me to be an encourager. The words I speak are not mine but God’s words spoken through me. This is one reason why I started this blog. I always had a desire to help people. I am a fixer. I like telling people how to fix themselves.

I had many opportunities to speak to people at camp and show his will for them. It was great but it was him not me talking. I am just willing to be used by God. He is not physically walking on earth but we are. The only way for others to see God is through us as we serve as his priests.

He has brought us out of our past of darkness and sin and given us light a future, eternal life with him. We have so much to be thankful for. His Glory and Mercy and his greatness is so manifest in our lives. The more we give the more he gives.

Peace wonderful peace.

Many people accept the gift of eternal life. And then go about life on their own doing whatever they want. Theirs is a wasted life and they don’t know all they are missing. I was one of those people for forty some years before I really got to know Jesus Christ and make him my personal friend and King.

My life has changed drastically and I never want to go back. Life is not about me but about Jesus Christ in me the hope of glory. He has made my life complete. Come join me.

Child of God

“ Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” John 1:12 NIV

“…so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes may have eternal life.” John 3:14 NIV

The great and mighty God. Creator of heaven and earth, everything that ever was or will be wants to be our father. The most perfect dad that ever was has given us the opportunity to be his child. He is a perfect father who will never let us down.

Some people may not have had an earthly father or one that was very dependable. But this father is not limited by Earth. Nothing is impossible for God. His will will be done in your life and you can take that to the bank.

All we have to do is believe that he is. The one who died to set us free and rose from the grave to ascend into heaven to prepare a place for us. Eternal life with him. This is ours and it is free. Nothing we will ever do will make him love us any less or any more.

We can do great things for him and bring others to him. Feed the sick and hungry. Be almost perfect or we can be bad doing all kinds of awful things. He still loves us.

With him he makes the impossible possible to us in our lives.

We need to come to him just like any father. Love him and respect him. Obey him. Share our lives with him. Get to know him personally. He is not just the ‘Man upstairs ‘, he is Daddy. He wants to be there for you, and with you always. Holding your hand.

It wasn’t till I was actually almost fifty that I realized that. I lived my whole life knowing of God. I knew he was there but was doing life pretty much on my own. My way and didn’t think much about him except Sunday’s. What a waste of time.

I can now say I know him intimately and it has made such a difference in my life. I have more joy, I rarely get mad or upset. I have eternal hope. I am full of peace. No fear.

I could not have said that years ago. I still have trials and hard things to deal with in my life but I have someone to always lean on. Someone to help me through them.

I didn’t have to do a thing to get him to love me. I do lots of things now for him just because I love him and love being close to my him, my dad.

In His Presence

In Isaiah 55:6 “Seek the Lord while he may be found, call on him while he is near” and in Matthew 5:6 “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they will be filled,” we are given very important wisdom for a full life. Throughout life we all strive for peace, joy and acceptance. We go to great lengths to get this. God tells us that in His presence is fullness of joy.

That sounds so simple. Can’t be that simple, right? What is the meaning of life and how can we be satisfied and fulfilled.

I was born into a wonderful Christian home. Before I was ever born God had a plan for me. He had a call on my life and knew just how it would play out.

When I was just five I came to know the Lord one day in kindergarten. When I was a teen I went to church camp and was filled with the Holy Spirit.

My life was blessed even though I thought it was normal. My dad always told me how important it was to be at church whenever the doors were open and i was from birth. I always tried to be good and do what I was told. I went to vacation Bible school each summer and won prizes for learning all the books of the Bible, memorizing scripture, and knowing different Bible characters.

I always did great because my dad had us read the children’s story Bible during dinner time. Heck I knew all the stories and all the characters. I still struggled with doing all I should. I always forgot to pray and after I got married I tried to read my Bible regularly but life was just so busy, husband, kids, job, and living life seemed enough.

It wasn’t till I was 45 and had a severe stroke that I finally had plenty of time on my hands. Laying flat on my back, unable to move or speak, God had my attention. What was going on. I was calm and not really worried because I knew God was in control but it was hard.

A friend came to see me and offered to read the Bible to me. That made a huge impact on me. When I could I vowed to start reading my Bible every day, I had the time. I haven’t missed many days since. Missed days tend to be bad days so I remember to do it first thing.

Struggling to live in a nursing home I learned so much about God and his ways. I had a Chaplain that was on fire for the Lord, telling us all about Jesus changing her life and always doing things, miracles, for her like he was her best friend. I wanted more.

I started reading every book about God I could get my hands on. We would take trips to Savers and I would bye books for $2.00 and many. I had so many trials in my life but I wanted more of Him. After a perfectly tuff time where I had been in the hospital for a while and was unable to read my Bible I committed to praying every day to get more of God.

The more I got, the happier I felt, and the more I wanted. I would sit and listen to praise music out on the back patio where I was alone. I also prayed a lot and sang hymns out there. It felt good. I had no trouble doing this I just loved doing it.

That’s when I started going to the church. Man it felt so good and I was hooked.

Just to be around people who believed like me and loved me. Singing in church was so alive with passion. They talked about going to camp for a whole week. So I tried it. That was the closest I think you could get to heaven here on earth.

I mean here I am with only Christian brothers and sisters, in the mountains, for a whole week, doing and being with God 24/7. Awesome.

These things have made me so happy. I truly am happier than ever before in my life. Jesus now is my very best friend and some day I’ll go to be with him forever. But right now I just want to be in his presence.

The happiest place I’ve ever known.