
“During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission.” Hebrews 5:7

Jesus was so close to his Father and wanted to do everything to please his Father. But he was still human. He needed extra strength and wisdom to do what he was called to do just like we do but he also felt pain, anxiety and hurt. He had honest emotions just like we have so he does understand all we go through. But does that mean that God didn’t hear his cries? Of course God heard and he always hears are cries also. But sometimes we need to go through certain times for a very good reason. It may be just as simple as gaining strength. I know for sure I wouldn’t be the person I am today if not for the trials. It also has helped me grow in trust because I have seen God overcome so much in my life and in lives around me. We may want our prayers answered the way we want but that’s not always best because we don’t know all the ramifications. It doesn’t do us any good to get upset with God and basically demand our own way. That would just lead to hurt feelings and frustration. Just imagine if Jesus had not suffered and died on that cross. If there was no death there could be no resurrection. If Jesus had never been resurrected then we could never be resurrected either. I am so glad God stuck to the plan and one day I am assured eternal life in paradise with him forever.


“He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, ‘Quiet! Be still’, then the wind died down and it was completely calm.” Mark 4:39

God is the one who created everything and he has control over everything. every day dawn comes to a brand new day and the sun sets every day when it is time to rest up for another brand new day. The thing about brand new days is that we can always have a do over. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Make changes or ask for forgiveness so you can go for a better life. Tides come in and tides go out. Winds blowing keep the weather changing at the proper time bringing rain or snow when needed. God is so good and he knows just what we need. The animals don’t worry, they know their next meal will be provided. Everyone has bumps in their road and everyone’s bumps are different but God is more than able to smooth the road. It brings so much peace to let God be God and trust him. We don’t have control even if we like to think we do. What will be, will be. We can do all we can to do all that we can to cooperate with the God who is in charge. We do our part by keeping his commandments and always praying and seeking wisdom we can keep the bumps to a minimum. There are always rocks in the road but we need to keep our eyes, not on the rocks but on the one who knows the beginning and the end of the road. And one day God is going to say, ‘Son it’s time for you to go get your bride.!” And there will be no more rocks, forever. Amen


“You have heard that it was said, ‘love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”

Loving people is not always easy. People aren’t perfect and they do things we don’t like and they hurt us and fall short of ours expectations. The only one who will never hurt us is God. He will give us the strength we need to love anyone he puts in our lives if we ask him. Many people don’t know God and don’t have his help in their lives. When you don’t know God you do things that cause hurt first to yourself and also to others. When you are hurting because of your poor mistakes you tend to hurt others. Misery loves company. If I feel bad why shouldn’t others. But when you are totally and perfectly loved by you Father you have the strength and the wisdom to show that same love to others in a way that will totally amaze and confuse others. They just don’t understand that kind of love. The more you treat people with respect and love the more they will treat others that way. I have a nurse who had a patient who was the typical grumpy old man, because he was confused and others around him we’re also confused and had uncontrollable problems that irritated him, so he was always yelling at everyone around him. This nurse went out of her way to show him love and respect and he started being kind in return. Others still irritated him but with less outbursts. We all need love just like air and when we don’t get it we suffer. So go out of your way to love and respect those around you and they might surprise you.

Discipline In Love

“because the Lord disciplines those he loves. as a father the son he delights in.” Proverbs 3:12

Nobody likes to be disciplined but we all want to grow. To learn new truths and overcome problems and make a difference with our lives on this earth. But have you ever grown much while things are good and comfy? No! But after you have overcome a problem in your life, and seen how God was working all along you become more trusting. We all need to be able to trust God to do what he does best. When we do we can rest in the comfort of knowing that it’s not us who gets things done. He is always working in the lives of those that love him and are called to his purposes. This world is broken and Satan is always trying to get our eyes off of God and on our problems and what may happen. Of course most problems we worry about will never happen but in the meantime he has us so upset and worried. I used to always worry about death and pain, things I couldn’t control. But when I had my stroke and almost died I was in such peace. I am his and he was just working my life for the better. Since then my life has changed so much and I have such peace. I used to worry about having my needs met even though I made good money. Now that I have no income God has abundantly provided all of my needs and I always have money to give to the church and I always have an over abundance of stuff that I have to give away because I have only so much space where I live. I have learned that always praying first when I worry and spending more time praying for others in my life keeps my life rocking smoothly. God is always taking care of me and my concerns before they even show up because he loves me just like I am his little princess, and I am.


“Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains.” James 5:7

God is not limited by time like we are. He always was and he will always be. He has all the time in the world and that is why his timing is perfect and never early or late. He also brings the rain in its season at just the perfect time when the sun is warm enough and the soil is ready. Our timing on the other hand is not his timing. We want it when we want it. But we cannot see the whole picture. When Abram was promised that he would be the father of a nation he was old and it didn’t seem possible but God still took his time. When he speaks something into existence it doesn’t just happen right then because he is using broken people and sometimes people don’t even know him or that he is using something we do or say to work on someone else and it all takes time. Hearts need to be prepared and strengthened for what’s happening. When God told Joseph about the Israelites being held in bondage in Egypt and how he would free them nothing close to that had happened but it was in the works. I’m reading a fascinating book about Israel and Gods people and how he is drawing them through everything they are going through to him. It’s mind boggling. But God speaks things that aren’t as if they are and then they are. Just like that. Well it takes a little while, but you get it. So much is going on behind the scenes that we don’t have any idea of. One day we’ll get to be with God forever and I am looking forward to that day. Whether he comes in the clouds or I go home it will be well worth waiting for. We can trust that God is working in the good, the bad, and the ugly, but when he is done it will be perfect.