Love Is

“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” Matthew 7:1-2

It is God’s will that we love others the way he has loved us and I hate seeing someone treat others improperly and in anger. But I never really thought of the consequences. I do know that people can bring on consequences in their life because of sins in their lives. We can do so many things like taking drugs or robbing banks that can end very badly but just being mean? I read this verse this morning, I mean I really read it. It says that everything you do is exactly what will be done to you. Think about your day, about everything you say to others and do to others. Is that how you want treated? It can go the opposite way too. Do you like it when people say good morning or I love that green blouse on you it brings out your eyes and you look awesome. Do you like it when someone prays for you when you’re not feeling well. Or when someone invites you to a party or to just have coffee. These things make us feel important. But that is love. Making someone feel special and respected and well loved. Did you just ignore the people around you as you went through your day. That isn’t being mean but could you show people you care in a small way or even a bigger way. Let’s say you’re shopping and the person in front of you is short a $1, offer to pay it. Have you ever been a $1 short, it’s embarrassing and upsetting. Do you say something when someone irritates you? Maybe they are having a hard day and maybe that’s just how they are but being loving might change them. Maybe you could say a quick prayer for whatever is hurting them. Loving others isn’t always easy but if you just put yourself in their shoes for a minute you might have more understanding and compassion. I like my day to go well and I like to interact with people. People are what is special about life. Not just your friends and family but all people. Why not try to make your friends and family bigger by making someone new apart of it by loving someone new.


“Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care.” Matthew 10:29

Worrying will not accomplish anything. We all worry though. We fear not having enough, fear of the unknown, fear we won’t measure up to the next guy, not being able to provide our needs. But God is ultimately in control of it all. He doesn’t just give us enough he wants us to have abundance. This world tells us we need more and just the right things. Prada, Rolex, BMW, and everything there is to get. He who has the most toys wins, right? I always worked hard and had a good life but it wasn’t till I no longer had a job and an income that I stopped worrying about stuff. I don’t have room for much stuff anyway. But I have learned after 64 years that God has always taken good care of me and he isn’t retiring, ever. When you have very little you realize you don’t need much. I always have food, clothes, books and my IPad and God and that’s more than enough. My supplies seem to go much farther than they used to. Because I can’t do much anymore I don’t need much. Everything I can’t do is done for me and I have a comfortable home. Although it is shared by 100 + others. I like always having people around me. They are my family. I do tend to stay by myself to read and write. That’s why I have to have my IPad so I can do plenty of research and save my writings. But you tend to be a lot more grateful the less stuff you have. My family is real important. My church and church friends. Being able to be able to do everything during the day on my own. Independent for the most part. It may take me four times as long as someone else but God does help me to get it done. I learned that the wisest thing I can do is pray about everything, even the little stuff when I’m thinking about it. Don’t ignore your concerns but take them to God. If you do that then you have plenty of time to joyfully enjoy your day. A day spent with God is always enjoyable.

Lord Of The Harvest

“So neither is the one who plants or the one who waters anything, but only God who makes things grow.” 1 Corinthians 3:7

We have all been commissioned by the Lord to go out into all the world and make disciples. To love others into God’s kingdom. We may be excited to be going to heaven and God’s kingdom one day but so many people will not be going with us. Most people just don’t know what they are missing out on. People don’t think about their death but just assume they have a long time left. They also don’t think about where they will spend eternity. A lot of people think you just go to sleep and never wake up. That doesn’t seem that bad unless you wake up and you are in the torment of pain, agony, and fear for ever. Then it doesn’t sound so simple anymore. Unless someone shares the good news with them they will not know they have a choice.The person whose life is full of sin and pride and doesn’t even know any better is dying in his sin. He has a deadly cancerous disease raging in his body and he is probably unaware of it. Let’s say you once were full of cancerous sin but you heard of someone who had a cure that was free and could give you an excellent healing and live happily and healthy again. Do you think this person would want to know about this cure? They may decide to ignore their sickness but at least you could give them the option. Making a decision for their future is painless and simple. All you need to do is ask and it can be had. The thing with cancer is you don’t always know you have it until it’s too late. I went through a time in my life where pride took control and I thought I was living. Going out drinking with my friends till the crack of dawn and usually feeling hungover the next day. I was deceived into thinking it was living. Until my stroke almost took my life and I knew I was missing something. I had somebody come to see me and offered to read the Bible to me and pray for me. It was just someone I had worked with who I respected. She kept coming by and didn’t give up on me. I didn’t do anything right away but it really got me started seeking wisdom. It was ten years later when I had the lightbulb moment and I couldn’t not do everything I could to have that relationship I longed for. I had always gone to church when I was younger. But I was a Sunday morning Christian and the rest of the week I did my own thing. Until I got to know the great physician personally and learned more and more about him I didn’t understand. The point is that this is very important information to have and it doesn’t matter who brings it or how because it is the Lord who convicts us and convinces us to do something. Sometimes it takes several people planting and watering for years before you realize you need to do something. But God doesn’t give up on us.

Blessings For Generations

“but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.” Exodus 20:6

This is such a special promise. Growing up I had a wonderful life and I thought everyone had the same things I had. My family had been serving the Lord for as long as I knew. My grandfather had a church and I was in it from my very beginning. All my extended family served the Lord and my parents loved all of us kids and we had a wonderful life. It wasn’t till I was grown that I saw people who didn’t have it so good. My kids married Christian’s and my grandkids loved the Lord. Then my daughter’s husband walked out on her and their three children. She was a very good mom and eventually met and married a great young man who loved the Lord and who adored her and her children. They had a baby and this week I saw a video of my daughter bouncing him on her lap and tickling him. He was squealing with laughter through the whole thing. He was just 3 months old and I just couldn’t get over how perfect we were made. He didn’t have to be taught to laugh, we were made to enjoy this life and rejoice. There is no way with all that we just know and can do that we just happened or evolved from an ape or a fish. We can learn and understand and have natural emotions and thoughts. I also watch people who don’t know the Lord struggle and have diseases and problems. I know that trials and problems come to everyone but not as much to those serving the Lord. People who don’t know the Lord have so many more trials that they bring on themselves with their lifestyle choices. This life can be hard and I appreciate every advantage I have and serving the Lord has proven to be so worth all the effort. Having somebody who is always giving you the strength day to day to do all that comes your way is so valuable. Also knowing that I am loved unconditionally by someone who will bless me and is in control of my future is so comforting also.

God’s Promises

“Your promises have been thoroughly tested, and your servant loves them.” Psalms 119:140

God is good on his word. When God spoke to Abraham about his future he spoke as if it had already happened because in his mind it was done. Abraham could only see the problems. He was childless, he was old, and his wife was too old to have a child. Nothing is impossible for God though. God knows the beginning and the end of our story. He knew everything happening in Abraham’s life because they were God’s plans and he would bring them to pass precisely as planned. David was anointed as king years before it came about and it looked hopeless with everyone trying to kill him. But when he was ready God came through. He may be working on getting us ready also. His plans are perfect and they sometimes take time. When we are in the middle of crisis and trials it is very hard to see how it will all work out. I have watched God working in my life for years and he has always come through. Maybe not as fast as I would like but he is right on time every time. I pray for needs at my church and so many times in the back of my mind I’m thinking man this is bad and seems hopeless but God proves me wrong every time. People die but I do know that for those that know God there is no better place to be than in paradise with Jesus. Life really begins at death. This is one promise we don’t really think about. The promise of eternal life is a game changer. Christ was the first to raise from the grave but everyone with eternal life is also going to raise to life ever after. The human body doesn’t want to give up. But God has told us he has overcome death, hell , and the grave. That is the past, Satan wants us to believe it’s over but he isn’t in charge. God has always proven faithful. Can you think of any promises he hasn’t kept? No! Look at all the prophecies ever told and they happen precisely. That should at least convince people there is a God. A God who is patiently waiting for us to one day come to live forever with him.


“God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” John 4:24

David knew one thing well. That praise and worship brought power. In front of his army he had worshipers. Because God is a Spirit we need to do things in his realm. We need that power 24/7 because we are dealing with principalities and powers that want bad things for us. They never sleep either. The more I have grown in my relationship with the Lord the more he has opened my eyes to the unseen world all around me. Life as a Christian can be very exciting as you see God working. He is always working and doing something good. First through prayer, we have so much power. He has said to ask what you will and not doubt and you can have what you are praying for. That does not make God a genie that answers all your wants but as we pray Gods will he will do what is best in every situation. I see so many miracles everyday and it just makes me pray more and about everything. Part of the power we seek is actually the armor he has given us to protect ourselves against the attacks of our enemy. The helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, the shoes of peace, and the most important is the sword of the Spirit because again the spirit is our power. When Christ died on that cross he took power from Satan and gives it to us and that is because we need it in this world if we want to overcome. The next thing we need is to know his words because they are truth and the more we know the more we can follow them and be in God’s will for us. He speaks to you with wisdom when you are seeking to do all he asks. People just don’t know how much more that you can get out of this life when you know how to live abundantly. It’s not just weakness and a crutch but so much more.

Christ As King

“And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.” Colossians 1:18

Jesus is our King and our leader he has shown us how to live to make a difference in this lost world. After his death on the cross and his resurrection he overcame the powers of evil and took the keys back from Satan to death, hell and the grave. Because all things are possible for him we no longer need to fear because he is in control and he knows what is best, always. Whenever we fear we need to pray. Paul was in prison and death could come any time to a prisoner. But he wrote that we are to fear nothing and to pray always. He knew that they could take his life, but that would just send him home to live with Jesus forever in paradise. That sounds like a win to me. After the Holy Spirit fell upon the people at Pentecost the church began with boldness. He was the very first to rise from the grave but now we too will rise when we go to the grave. Life forever with them in perfection. God was so excited when his son offered to die for the dying world in our place. And he was so proud of his son when he went through everything without sinning. What parent wouldn’t be. He was so excited he gave all power and authority to him. Everything and everyone would praise him for all eternity. Everything he spoke into existence in the very beginning was now reconciled, it was made perfect again. The blood Christ shed on the cross bought back so many things for us. And the son of God became our Princess of Peace. Our leader and King purchased it all for us.


“Jesus said, Father forgive them, for they don’t know what they’re doing’.” John 23:34

Forgiveness is such an important thing for our own wellbeing. Holding onto unforgiveness doesn’t do anything to the other person. They probably have long ago forgotten about everything. They may not have even realized they hurt someone. It also gives yourself time to convince yourself that it might have been your fault and that you did play a part in it second guessing yourself. And holding on to hurt causes a chain to tighten around your neck becoming heavier and heavier Al the time. They say it is like drinking poison and hoping that it will eventually kill them. While the entire time you are dying a slow excruciating death. Jesus forgave everyone who ever treated him badly That is saying a lot because he was actually murdered for something he didn’t do in an extremely inhumane way. Roman crucifiction was designed to be the worst punishment you could experience, on purpose. He went through this of his own will. He could have bailed on us but he thought of each and everyone of creation and how much he loved us. He knew it was the only way that his Father could justify completely forgiving us. Something perfect had to die. Nobody is perfect! He has told us that if we forgive someone when we don’t want to then he can forgive us. His Father does. Do you want to risk not being forgiven by God. That penalty would be more than we could bear. And if Jesus hadn’t agreed to go through with it, where would we be? He even gives us the desire and strength to do the right thing. That doesn’t mean you will forget what was done to you but you will eventually not dwell on it constantly. It will no longer be able to torment you. And you can have peace about it. Do you want others to forgive you for your mistakes? Mistakes that may not have been intentional. God knows our thoughts and if we have forgiven or not. He doesn’t want us suffering needlessly so he tells us to forgive so we can be more like him and have peace. Peace with ourselves and with God.

New Year, New Plan

I watched some New Year’s resolutions people were making last night when I couldn’t sleep. They were interesting and got me thinking. I always tell myself that if I just do the next right thing that I don’t need to make resolutions. But this was more. They were really making plans to do the next right thing in detail. There are so many things that take a little thought that you can implement throughout the year. Do some investigating of charities that you can support on a regular basis. Tithing at your local church. Do you realize only 10% of people actually tithe anymore but you really can’t afford not to. Tithing makes the world go round. What about the over abundance of stuff you have and don’t need. Who could be blessed by it. Give it away. Become a blessing to others by giving, tipping, giving compliments and encouragement. Speak life and not complaining and grumbling over yourself and others. Go out of your way to talk to people and lift them up. Work in different ministries and help out those in need and the marginalized. I always thought that because I’m in a wheelchair that I can’t do much but there is so much I can do. Offering to pray for others that may seem down or just might be a little grumpy because of what they are currently going through in their life. Life can be difficult and people have many battles they are going through. Rejoice over the little things throughout the day. There are so many things to be thankful for. People in other countries have so much less than Americans do but yet they are so much more grateful for all that they do have. What can you do to make a difference in your world in 2024.

True Peace

“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” Luke 2:14

“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27

At this time of year Christ was born and he wants everyone to know that he came to bring peace to all people. One thing we can all use is peace. The peace that Jesus brings is not like any peace this world can offer because it is perfect and it is free. Most people just don’t know what they are missing out on because unless you have experienced it you will never understand it. People don’t trust God because they don’t know him. They believe what they hear and what they have been taught by their family or in school or college more specifically. And because schools stopped teaching about God they are being taught a distorted belief. People may have been raised in a church but because people are not perfect and often make mistakes we have learned to distrust them. They may have also lost someone they love and blame God and don’t want anything to do with someone who took the one they love. This is so sad because they don’t know what they could actually have for free just for the asking. Most people say they don’t believe the Bible but they have never actually read one. They believe just what they have heard from others who have actually never read one either. This is so sad because they are walking around with a deadly disease that will eventually kill them and living an unhappy life for no reason. People can be unhappy, depressed, confused and insecure because they don’t know the unconditional and very satisfying love of the one who made them just to be in a relationship with him. He knew that what we needed more than anything else in this world was deliverance from sin and death. With that forgiveness comes acceptance and a relationship like we have never had before. And one that will give us that peace that we have never felt before. Because once he has forgiven you his blessings and favor rest upon you forever.