
“Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near.” Isaiah 55:6

The Lord is always working on behalf of his children. There are so many things he is doing that we don’t see. This life can be so exciting because it isn’t necessarily just what we can see. We also have a spiritual world and it is very busy. The more we spend time with the Lord the more we discover. When you know him and his ways and promises you have so much more power to face this life. What works and what doesn’t work and how to have an abundant life. I know personally I can’t get enough. The more I know the more prepared and equipped I am to do things well. I pray more and more all the time because all prayers are answered but so many times it’s a miracle that comes and that’s exciting. You’ve heard you don’t get what you don’t ask for. That is so true and I have seen God do some amazing things that I didn’t even think could happen and now I can pray bold prayers believing. God doesn’t always answer the way we would ask but he knows better and has a better plan than we do. The more we open ourselves to God’s ways, the more we are open for the impossible because nothing is impossible with God. When you stop expecting and just let God surprise you, you will watch amazing things start to happen. I love to read what people have to say about God and what he is doing in this world. Some pretty amazing and exciting stuff is going on around us and we don’t even know half of it. People just don’t know what they are missing out on by focusing on the world around them.

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