Discipline In Love

“because the Lord disciplines those he loves. as a father the son he delights in.” Proverbs 3:12

Nobody likes to be disciplined but we all want to grow. To learn new truths and overcome problems and make a difference with our lives on this earth. But have you ever grown much while things are good and comfy? No! But after you have overcome a problem in your life, and seen how God was working all along you become more trusting. We all need to be able to trust God to do what he does best. When we do we can rest in the comfort of knowing that it’s not us who gets things done. He is always working in the lives of those that love him and are called to his purposes. This world is broken and Satan is always trying to get our eyes off of God and on our problems and what may happen. Of course most problems we worry about will never happen but in the meantime he has us so upset and worried. I used to always worry about death and pain, things I couldn’t control. But when I had my stroke and almost died I was in such peace. I am his and he was just working my life for the better. Since then my life has changed so much and I have such peace. I used to worry about having my needs met even though I made good money. Now that I have no income God has abundantly provided all of my needs and I always have money to give to the church and I always have an over abundance of stuff that I have to give away because I have only so much space where I live. I have learned that always praying first when I worry and spending more time praying for others in my life keeps my life rocking smoothly. God is always taking care of me and my concerns before they even show up because he loves me just like I am his little princess, and I am.

One thought on “Discipline In Love

  1. Hi Annette! Thank you for your wise words based on God’s Word! I am so glad that he knows what we need more than we do! He is indeed a loving Father and wants what’s best for us, so we need to fully trust Him! Blessings to you and thanks for always encouraging me! 💕


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