Heaven Is Not The End

‘How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God; this is the gate of heaven.’ Genesis 28:17 NIV

Heaven for a Christian is your final reward. For a life lived for the Lord. We don’t have to fear death. We are going home to a wonderful family. A father who loves us more than we can ever imagine. Relatives and friends who died earlier will be waiting. Maybe you lost a child at birth or had a miscarriage, you’ll get to meet them. People whose lives were changed because of you. I once heard of a doctor talking to a dying patient. What do you think is waiting on the other side, the patient asked. The doctor went to the door and opened it. In came a big shaggy dog all excited, almost knocked over the doctor. He explained, ‘my dog was waiting outside.’. He didn’t know what was going on inside but he knew his master, who he loved greatly, was in there and he couldn’t wait to be reunited with him. Do you know what’s awaiting you when you pass through that door? There is forever after, when you cease to exist in this life. It’s not knowing what’s on the other side but, who is on the other side. I can’t wait to see my master. Can you? Who is your master? If you don’t know Jesus, and he gladly wants to get to know you and for you to know him. He is the most awesome, loving one you will ever meet. If you know him you don’t need to worry. He loved you before you were ever born. He knows how many hairs are on your head. He knows all about you and he is standing before you with his arms open wide, saying, ,‘welcome home.’ He doesn’t expect anything from you but love. If you don’t know him it’s easy to get to know him. Then you will know who is waiting for you. He anxiously waits for you to ask him to be your Lord and savior. All he asks is that you believe in him and his son Jesus Christ. Believe that he died for you and that he was raised to life again. The best gift you will ever receive is Jesus Christ. Accept that simple gift today by asking him into your life, and to forgive every sin you have committed, and for him to help you live a life devoted to him. If you believe that with your heart, you are now a child of the King. Get to know him by speaking to him like a long lost friend. He loves you so much and wants to have a relationship with you. Get a Bible and begin to read about the God who loves all his children equally.

Are you ready to see God?

One thought on “Heaven Is Not The End

  1. Thank you dear niece. That was well said. I pray many see this and make Jesus the Lord of their lives.
    Aunt Marlene


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